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Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Page 9

  Logan nudged Halor, who apparently was awake, though making no effort to respond to the summons.

  “Ignore him and he’ll go away,” Halor whispered.

  “No, he won’t,” Kit muttered. “You know your mother’s staff are aggravating in their persistence.”

  “He did say it’s important,” Logan said.

  “Highly unlikely,” Kit replied. “It’ll probably be something trivial like whether to serve caraway or sunflower seeds with the seventh course.”

  “Your Highness, the queen is most anxious to talk to you.”

  Halor groaned and sat up. “I suppose I’d better go see what she wants.”

  Logan shifted position so Halor could extricate himself from the mountain of cushions they were buried within. “I really need a shower.”

  Kit licked at his neck and purred. “We can clean up in the palace.”

  Halor dressed and shook his head. “I should do the same. We’re all rather sticky this morning. Come on. Let’s make a move.”

  “You go ahead,” Kit said. “I think I’ll have breakfast first.”

  Logan moaned as Kit took hold of his morning wood.

  Halor gave each of them a quick kiss. “Don’t be long. I want to be off-world before midday.”

  “What time is it now?” Logan asked. “I haven’t seen any clocks around here.”

  Halor glanced up through the windows in the roof. “Around ten.”

  Kit purred. “Three hours is plenty of time.”

  Logan took a few moments to realise that the days on this world were longer than the twenty-four hours on Earth. He was about to comment on the same, but Kit distracted him with a warm mouth on his cock.

  “Three hours,” Halor reminded them before he disappeared through the door. “Try not to lose track of time entirely.”

  Logan moaned as Kit sucked him. “It doesn’t seem very fair that you are always doing this for me but I don’t reciprocate.”

  Kit released him with a final lick. “That’s a very big word for you to manage at such a time. I guess I’m not doing my job properly.”

  “Oh, you’re doing just fine,” Logan said.

  “Fine?” Kit hissed and growled. “I can do better than fine.”

  With that promise, Kit took him between his lips again and sucked in earnest. “You taste so good,” Kit said, his speech becoming slightly slurred again.

  Logan smiled at Kit’s enthusiasm for his cock. He still thought it slightly bizarre that Kit could get drunk from his cum.

  “Kit, I want to taste you, too,” Logan said.

  Kit blinked up at him with wide eyes and Logan gestured for him to turn round so he could give Kit the same pleasure he was receiving without preventing Kit from feeding. He wondered if drinking from Kit would intoxicate him in a similar manner. He was already feeling a little light-headed, but that was fairly normal for him, anyway.

  He licked along Kit’s length as he fondled his testicles. He found that licking them caused Kit to purr loudly and he took great pleasure in eliciting the sound over and over again.

  Kit didn’t stop sucking him, drinking down more cum than Logan had even realised he could produce. He wondered if this was a particular talent of the feline race—the ability to coax cream from someone who was convinced they were already spent. He was so hard. He felt sure he couldn’t maintain his erection a moment longer, yet Kit seemed to have perfected the ability to keep him right on the brink.

  When Kit came up for air again, Logan did the same and pulled Kit into his arms for a kiss. His own taste in Kit’s mouth mingled with that of Kit himself and he shifted Kit so the feline straddled his thighs. Still messy from the night before, Logan and Kit rocked together, rubbing and keening as they moaned and tasted each other.

  Logan ached, and when they shifted again, his cock rubbed along the crack of Kit’s arse. “Kit?”

  Kit mewled and rubbed against Logan’s length.

  A thought flashed briefly across Logan’s fuzzy mind that Kit was quite drunk right now and that maybe they should stop. Before he could give voice to his thoughts, Kit sank down on Logan’s cock, moaning in pleasure.

  “Oh fuck!” Logan groaned as the damp heat of Kit’s body sheathed his length. The feline felt different to other men he had fucked, though Logan supposed he should expect some differences between their species. When the differences meant he could bury himself in Kit without needing to prepare him with lube and fingers first, Logan found he couldn’t complain.

  Kit moved up and down, making small mewls of pleasure as he rode Logan’s cock.

  Logan couldn’t hold back for long. Kit had already driven him to the brink with his mouth. He hadn’t a hope of lasting more than a minute.

  Thrusting upwards, meeting Kit’s moves with an easy rhythm, Logan came with a loud cry of pleasure. Kit followed him in seconds, spilling across Logan’s chest and adding to the mess that was already there.

  Kit rolled off him and collapsed at his side. He purred loudly and curled into Logan’s side, falling to sleep in under a minute.

  Logan joined him shortly.

  * * * *

  Despite their good intentions, Logan and Kit never managed to make it to the palace showers. Halor found them, still in the summerhouse, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “Here,” he said as he tossed Logan what appeared to be an apple, though when Logan took a bite, it tasted more like an overly ripe peach. “I thought you might be hungry.”

  “Starving,” Logan admitted. “But I didn’t want to move him.”

  Halor grinned. “I have that problem, too, but sometimes it pays to be firm. He will keep you in bed all day if he can. Felines do tend to sleep a lot more than the rest of us.”

  “Sounds like the cats on Earth,” Logan said. “They are notoriously lazy.”

  “Stop bullying me,” Kit muttered. “I can hear you both, you know.”

  “In that case, get up and get dressed,” Halor said. “We’re leaving as soon as we get to the dock.”

  “I still need to shower,” Logan reminded him.

  “You can do that on board,” Halor replied. “Kit, move yourself.”

  Kit rolled over and hugged a pillow. “I’m too sleepy.”

  Logan chuckled and shook his head. “I think you may have to carry him.”

  Halor snorted. “Yeah, right. That’ll happen.”

  Apparently Halor was prepared for Kit’s lack of effort to rise. He took a drink from one of the containers that he carried then poured the remaining contents over Kit.

  The feline yowled and leapt from the makeshift bed, shaking his head and sending droplets of water in all directions. Logan wiped off the ones that hit him and laughed at Kit’s affronted expression.

  “Now get dressed and let’s get out of here,” Halor said. “You too, Logan.”

  “Are you sure I can’t clean up first?” Logan asked. “I really am messy. If I walk through the dock looking like this, everyone will know what we’ve been doing all night.”

  “Everyone will know anyway,” Halor pointed out.

  “But they don’t need to see it.”

  Halor rolled his eyes. “Are all humans as self-conscious as you?” He handed Logan a second container of water. “Rinse off with that.”

  Logan did as he suggested, though he had no towel or cloth to dry himself with. Still, walking around with water dripping down his chest was infinitely preferable to the dried up cum that had previously adorned it.

  Kit, who apparently didn’t care about such things, put on his kilt and threw Logan’s to him. “I ache all over,” he complained.

  “The sign of a good night,” Halor teased.

  Kit cringed as he moved and Logan recognised the signs of someone who had been well fucked. His own arse held a similar ache. He gave Kit a sympathetic pat and covered himself up.

  “What did your mother want?” Logan asked. “Was it important?”

  “Not at all,” Halor replied. “Just her usual complaints
about my poor choice of career and lack of a nest.”

  “Why do you work as a courier?” Logan asked. “If everyone can teleport whatever they need, you do seem to be a little superfluous.”

  “Not everyone has a teleporting system,” Halor said. “They are more common amongst other species, but only the royal families of the birds can afford them.”

  “They’re obscenely expensive,” Kit added. “I don’t know a single feline who has one.”

  “One day, I’m sure everyone will teleport what they need, but until then, couriers like myself will always be able to find work.”

  “And it’s not strange for a prince to work as a courier?”

  “Yes, it is,” Kit answered. “That’s what his mother means about the bad career choice.”

  Halor gave a squawk of annoyance. “I’m not the crown prince. I’m one of the youngest of my siblings. As such, I’m expected to make my own way in life, and if I want to be a courier, I will.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers,” Logan said.

  “It’s fine. I’m just a little tired of having the same argument with my mother every time I come here. She sees courier work as beneath a Hawk. Only pigeons and other lesser birds make their living in such a way, at least in her eyes. Royal Hawks are meant to rule or to fight. As a younger sibling, there is no real prospect of my ruling, and I have no inclination to join the army. I like being a courier. I have my own ship, I get to travel, I meet interesting people from a variety of species, and I’m dependent upon no one but myself.”

  During Halor’s speech Kit had moved to his side and wrapped his arms around him. “I’m glad you chose to be a courier. If you hadn’t, I would never have met you.”

  “Me neither,” Logan added. “And I don’t think I could have asked for better companions as I try to figure out this strange world I find myself in.”

  * * * *

  They made their way to the space dock and Halor steered them towards a flashy looking craft that was considerably smaller than the one they had arrived on.

  “This is one of the official royal ships,” Kit explained. “It has a huge bed in the main chamber and two smaller bunks for the guards.”

  “Are there guards coming with us?” Logan asked.

  “No, there aren’t,” Halor snapped in the direction of one of the nearby guards, as he lowered the ramp remotely so they could board. “You two can take the guard rooms if you want some space to yourselves.”

  “Why would we want that?” Kit asked.

  “Logan might,” Halor said. “Now, you can show Logan around while I make sure the on-board database is synced properly. As soon as that’s done, we can leave.”

  “To intercept the second ship?” Logan asked.

  “Of course,” Halor replied. “Did you think we’d forgotten?”

  “No, but you’re going to an awful lot of trouble for me, and we don’t really know each other that well.”

  Halor patted Logan on the arm. “No, we don’t know each other, but Kit and I are responsible for you. We may not have meant to, but we purchased you and now we need to do what we can to set things right. Besides, we’d like you to become a permanent part of our nest, and if you do, then we all watch out for each other. I don’t know how it works between humans, but when birds make a commitment to someone, we always keep our word.”

  Kit hugged Logan and rubbed against him. “Felines are much less reliable, but you can rely on me.”

  Logan hugged Kit back. “Thank you, both of you.”

  The lighter patches of Kit’s tabby skin flushed a shade of dark red and they followed Halor on board. “Come on. Let me show you the bedchamber.”

  “How about the shower first?” Logan suggested.

  “Whatever for?” Kit replied as he grabbed a handful of Logan’s arse and squeezed. “You’ll only have to take another after you’ve become fully familiar with the bedchamber.”

  Halor sat down in the chair in the centre of the flight desk. “Kit, give the human time to recover, at least.”

  “He has recovered,” Kit replied, rubbing his other hand over Logan’s groin and squeezing the hardening flesh.

  Halor shook his head and smiled softly. “First a tour, then a shower, then I’d like to see how fast a learner this pilot of ours is. It would be nice to have some help on the deck.”

  “I help,” Kit mumbled with another flush.

  Halor chuckled. “I know you try, but your attention span is somewhat limited, isn’t it?”

  “Just because I accidentally steered us into a meteor belt that one time.”

  “Twice,” Halor corrected.

  Kit stuck out his lower lip, though Logan could tell he was trying not to grin. Logan envied them their easy relationship and hoped that if he did choose to stay with them that he would come to know the same.

  The tour of the ship wasn’t long. The craft was much smaller than Halor’s other vessel. Instead of three levels, there were only two, and the ship had clearly been built for luxury travel, unlike the other one.

  “So, how do you like the Royal Dart?” Kit asked as he flopped onto the bed and grinned up at Logan.

  “It’s very nice.”

  Kit ran his fingers along the quilted bedspread. “You haven’t tested the softness of the bed yet.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “You just sink into the mattress,” Kit purred.

  Logan smiled. “Your stamina is amazing, but I’m afraid mine isn’t. I think I’d like to take that shower and sleep for the next week.”

  “Halor won’t let you sleep that long,” Kit told him. “He’s eager to show off this baby.”

  “I thought he preferred the other ship?”

  “The Kitty Carrier is best for work, and he’s proud of it because he paid for it himself, but he does enjoy the speed of the Royal Dart.”

  “The Kitty Carrier?” Logan snickered. “What sort of a name for a spaceship is that?”

  “Halor renamed it after I joined him,” Kit said. “He thought he was being funny because I couldn’t pronounce the previous name.”

  “It is quite amusing,” Logan agreed. “Now, how about the shower?”

  Kit sighed dramatically. “You’re no fun today.”

  Logan nearly choked on his laughter. “No fun? I thought we had plenty of fun in the summerhouse.”

  “That was last night.”

  “And this morning,” Logan said.


  “While Halor was with his mother,” Logan reminded him. “Don’t you remember?”

  Kit frowned. “I fed from you, right?”

  “Yes.” Logan smiled. “And we had sex. Don’t you remember?”

  Kit’s grimace deepened. “Not really. Your cream has the strangest effect on me.”

  “It makes you drunk,” Logan said, “much like alcohol does for humans. Slurred speech, clumsiness, and after a really good night out, gaps in the memory.”

  “I’m never clumsy,” Kit muttered, “but I don’t remember having sex with you, only feeding. Did I hurt you? Is that why you don’t want to come to bed with me now?”

  Logan sat beside Kit and took his hand. “No, you didn’t hurt me, though it should probably be me asking you that question.”

  “What do you mean?” Kit sat up straight, his face pale. “Did you…? When we…? Who…?”

  Logan squeezed Kit’s hand, wondering what he was panicking about. “Kit, what’s wrong?”

  Kit wouldn’t meet Logan’s eyes. “There’s an ache down there,” he whispered. “I should have recognised it for what it was. I’ve felt stretched and tender since we left the summerhouse.”

  “I’m sorry,” Logan said. “I should have prepared you more, but you didn’t exactly give me chance.”

  “I didn’t?”

  “No,” Logan said. “I was about to suggest we stop as you seemed a bit drunk, but before I could, you had pushed down onto my cock and were riding me like a pro.”

sp; Kit’s face turned white as a sheet. “I am so stupid.”

  “Hey, hey.” Logan drew Kit into his arms and made soothing sounds. “What’s the matter?”

  Kit shivered and seemed to gather himself together. “I’m fine. I just don’t like that something so important happened and I don’t remember anything about it.”

  “Perhaps you should feed from me in smaller doses,” Logan suggested. “I swear that if I’d known you were that intoxicated, I would never have let you ride me.”

  Kit nodded. “It’s not your fault, but I agree that I should cut back on what I take from you. I love your cream, but I don’t want to hear about what I did while under the influence without any recollection of my actions.”

  Logan, having had several experiences of that nature himself, couldn’t blame Kit for that. “I would never do anything to hurt you. I’m sorry if I already have.”

  “Is everything okay down there?”

  Halor’s voice from the flight deck reminded Logan that they weren’t alone.

  “Don’t tell him what we did,” whispered Kit, his voice frantic. “Please, Logan, don’t tell Halor.”

  “Kit, what is it?” Logan asked. “Why don’t you want Halor to know? Did we do something wrong?”

  “Promise me,” Kit hissed. “Please, Logan, promise me.”

  Part of Logan wanted to refuse to make such a promise, but in the face of Kit’s obvious distress, he couldn’t ignore his pleas. “I promise.”

  Kit hugged him tight. “Thank you.”

  “Didn’t you hear me calling?” Halor asked as he entered the room. “Ah, I see. Couldn’t even wait until we were off-world, huh?”

  Kit smiled brightly. “You know me. I’m always horny.”

  Logan could almost have believed Kit himself and Halor certainly didn’t question his words. He hoped he hadn’t made a mistake when he’d made his promise. He really didn’t like the idea of secrets between lovers, and if he were seriously considering joining the two of them, he would much rather have complete honestly between them.

  * * * *

  Halor could tell something was wrong with Kit. He had known him long enough to recognise when he was troubled. His feline was as affectionate as ever, but his mind seemed to be wandering, more often than not.