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Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Page 8

  “Amazing,” Logan said.

  Kit leaned back into Halor’s arms and gazed at Logan, trying to see this strange new world through the eyes of the human. If all humans looked like Logan, he and Halor must seem very bizarre with their feathers and fur.

  “What did humans evolve from?” Kit asked.

  “Hmm, oh, apes,” Logan replied. “Primates, you might call them. When we get back to the ship, I can show you the theory of evolution on the database. Well, if we go back to that one, I guess.”

  “The data will be on my other craft, as well,” Halor said. “The ship computers data stores will be perfectly synced once I’ve updated it.”

  “I’ve never heard of apes or primates,” Kit said. “You’ll have to show us pictures or holograms. We’ll have plenty of time during the flight to learn all about our different worlds. After all, we can’t spend the entire journey in bed.”

  Logan rolled his eyes. “You’re insatiable, aren’t you?”

  Kit fluttered his eyelashes innocently. “My translator doesn’t seem to know that word. It’s telling me I’m irresistible.”

  “Sure it is,” Logan replied.

  Kit eased out of Halor arms and kissed Logan deeply. The sound of a low whistle startled him and they jumped apart. Kit groaned when he saw who was seated on Logan’s other side.

  Maz, another of Halor’s brothers and one with wandering hands. Kit was torn between relief at not being seated right next to him and pity for Logan, who was.

  “You must be the human Halor has taken into his nest,” Maz said. “I’m Maz, Halor’s favourite brother.”

  “That’s debatable,” Halor said, though Kit could hear the teasing in his voice, and in truth, Maz probably was the sibling he was closest to.

  Kit found Maz to be pleasant company most of the time, but when he was under the influence, he had an annoying habit of groping whoever happened to be nearby, even when that someone made it clear they were not interested and wanted Maz to kindly keep his hands to himself.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Logan said, holding out his hand in what appeared to be a human custom, though Kit had no idea what it entailed. Eventually, Logan lowered his hand, flushing in awkward embarrassment.

  “Oh, the pleasure is all mine,” Maz replied. “Tell me. Do you nest hop?” He punctuated his question by running his hand along Logan’s arm, the invitation clear.

  “Nest hop?” Logan asked, glancing at Kit and Halor. “What’s that?”

  “He doesn’t,” Kit said. He wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist and nuzzled the back of his neck.

  “I didn’t ask you. I asked him,” Maz said. “And nest hopping is when someone might be amenable to seeking pleasure from more than one group of birds.”

  “In that case, Kit is correct,” Logan replied. “I would rather stick to one nest, at least if that is the one with Kit and Halor in it. I thank you for your offer, though. If circumstances were different, perhaps we might have worked something out.”

  Maz, who had initially frowned at Logan’s rejection, had brightened considerably by the end of his speech. Kit stared in wonder at the smooth way Logan had handled the proposition. He had been far more diplomatic than Kit had been. Kit had hissed and sworn at Maz, forcing Halor to sweep him from the room until he calmed down.

  “Oh, I like this one,” Maz said to Halor. “So refined. Tell me. Are all humans such flatterers and so handsome?”

  “We have our share of both,” Logan replied. “Perhaps one day, you’ll meet more of us.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Kit purred as he rubbed up against Logan. “You are the only human I want.”

  “And yet you haven’t claimed him,” Maz commented. “Why is that?”

  “Claimed me?” Logan asked.

  Maz smiled. “When a feline takes a mate, he claims him, marks him with his scent. Kit hasn’t claimed you. If he had, I would be able to smell him all over you.”


  “Logan has only been travelling with us a short time,” Halor explained. “He is still learning about us and our ways.”

  Kit nuzzled Logan and breathed in the arousing scent of the human. Maz had a point in one respect. Kit did wish to claim Logan so that no one else would try to entice him away. Perhaps later they could see about that.

  When the first course arrived, Kit took turns feeding Logan and Halor, providing them with food and kisses in equal measure. Maz, hopefully realising he had no chance with Logan, turned his attention to the person seated on his other side.

  By the time the fourth course was cleared away, Logan had declared himself stuffed. Halor, well used to royal banquets, had been pacing himself. Kit, despite feeding earlier, was starting to feel peckish again. When Halor caught him staring at his groin for the third time, he winked at him and chuckled.

  “Hungry again?”

  Kit growled under his breath. “You know I am.”

  Halor chucked him under his chin and kissed him on the lips. “If you want a drink, you only have to ask.”

  Kit wasn’t the only feline present, and several had already been feeding from their lovers. Kit didn’t know why he was suddenly so self-conscious about the idea of feeding from Halor in public. He had done it before on previous visits, so why was he now becoming shy?

  Halor, seeming to recognise his reluctance, excused himself from the table and took Kit’s hand.

  Kit wasn’t sure about leaving Logan alone, but then he realised Halor was beckoning him to come along, too.

  “What is it?” Logan asked as they left the room and Halor steered them into an antechamber. “Is something wrong?”

  “Kit is hungry,” Halor explained. “He also seems to have developed an unexpected shyness about feeding in public, which I guess might be your influence.”


  “Well, that’s just a guess,” Halor said. “But the last time we were here, Kit barely took his mouth from my cock throughout the whole of the first three courses. The only thing different now is that you’re here with us.”

  Logan stroked Kit’s fur. “Is that true? Am I stopping you from feeding?”

  Kit shrugged. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s not your fault.”

  “If you’re hungry, you need to feed,” Logan scolded.

  “Logan is right,” Halor said. “There were at least four felines feeding in the hall, and no one would have given it a second thought if you had done the same.”

  “I know,” Kit whispered, “but I kept thinking about what Logan said before, about how, for his people, doing what I do is more intimate. You know that for me it’s always been more than just feeding, and now, with Logan’s insight, it does seem like it should be something done in private.”

  Logan sighed. “Oh, Kit, I didn’t mean for you to go hungry.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Yes, you are,” Logan argued. “Instead of feeding, as you need to, you denied yourself because of me. If I had known how you would interpret my words…”

  Kit placed his finger over Logan’s lips. “This is not your fault.”

  “Kit’s right,” Halor added. “He’s a grown feline, and he should know better. Now, on your knees, Kit.”

  Halor pushed aside his dark blue, gold-trimmed kilt and Kit dropped to the floor, his mouth already watering. With Logan’s hand in his fur, Kit closed his eyes and sucked on the familiar length of Halor’s cock. Familiarity with every inch of the member in his mouth meant it took only moments to coax forth the first drops of cream and less than a minute before he was greedily gulping down one spurted stream after another.

  “That’s it,” Logan whispered as he continued to stroke Kit’s fur, rubbing behind his ears and inadvertently arousing Kit even more in the process.

  When he had drunk down everything Halor could give him, Kit rose and spun round to kiss Logan.

  Logan’s hardness pressed against his own and Kit moaned as they rubbed together.

e should return to the banquet,” Halor reminded them.

  “Do we have to?” Kit whined.

  Halor sighed and shook his head. “It would be the height of bad manners to skip out on my own welcome home party.”

  “We’ve sat through four courses,” Kit pointed out. “Isn’t that enough?”

  “You are a very bad influence,” Halor said. “Come on. Let’s take a walk through the gardens.”

  “I’d rather go to bed,” Kit said.

  “I’m sure you would, but have you forgotten the summerhouse already?”

  Kit had forgotten the secluded structure in the middle of the grounds. With the glass roof and being surrounded by flowers, the building gave you the impression you were sleeping in a garden beneath the stars. “Will you join us, Logan?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” Logan replied.

  “Kit isn’t asking whether you’d like to see my mother’s herb garden or my sister’s flowerbeds,” Halor said. “He’s asking if you want to have sex with us.”

  Logan smiled. “I know, and my answer is the same.”

  * * * *

  The gardens were extensive, and Halor had always loved spending time in them. Most of his kind preferred the outdoors, and he was no exception.

  The summerhouse was located at the far end of the formal gardens, mostly hidden behind the high hedgerows. Once they’d walked through the summerhouse, they were out of the neatly tended gardens and into the wilder ones.

  Halor had brought Kit here during their first visit to his family, and he had fond memories of that night. They had been travelling together for a while, and Kit had been feeding from him daily, but it was in the summerhouse they had first declared their love.

  Kit had claimed him completely that night, and Halor had known that the feline would be with him for the rest of his life.

  Now, entering the same building with Logan, Halor shivered in anticipation of what was to come. The scent of honeysuckles filled his senses and he realised it was even the same season of the year as when he and Kit had been here for the first time.

  “Logan?” Halor wondered where to begin. Kit hadn’t needed to explain anything to Halor, who had known about claiming and what it entailed long before the time came. But how do I explain to this human?

  “Yes?” Logan replied.

  Halor stared at Kit, who for once wasn’t touching either of them. Instead, he was wringing his hands together and shifting on his paws, his nerves showing.

  “What is it?” Logan pressed. “Is something wrong?”

  “No.” Kit shook his head. “Please, sit down with us.”

  They each sat on the cushions piled in the centre of the room.

  Halor didn’t need to ask Kit if he wanted to claim Logan. He could smell his desire and the need was written all over his face. The question was, did Logan wish to be claimed? He guessed they were about to find out.

  “Logan, Kit would like to claim you,” Halor said.

  “You mean like Maz was talking about at the banquet?”


  “Is that right, Kit?”

  Kit nodded.

  “Is it permanent?” Logan asked. “Some kind of joining-for-life deal?”

  “It generally lasts about twenty days,” Kit replied. “I claim Halor on a regular basis, renewing my mark.”

  “What is this mark? Like a love bite?”

  “It’s a scent,” Halor explained. “When Kit claims you, he will mark you with his scent, so any others of his kind—or any species with a decent sense of smell—will know you are claimed, and if Kit is within sniffing distance, by whom.”

  “But wouldn’t it just wash off when I shower?” Logan asked.

  “Provided you don’t wash for a few hours after the claiming, the scent will remain for twenty days, though it fades over time.”

  “Why does this sound messy?” Logan asked.

  “Because it is,” Kit replied with a flash of his teeth. “While your cream feeds me, it’s mine that’s used in the claiming.”


  Halor shrugged and smiled. “To fully claim you, Kit will also need to penetrate you.”

  Logan’s face reddened, and even in the dim light of the summerhouse, Halor could see the thin silk of his kilt rising at his words.

  “Can I claim you?” Kit asked quietly. “Once my scent is on you, I’ll be able to stop touching you so much.”

  “I like you touching me,” Logan said. “But yes, I think I’d like you to claim me, as you say. I’d definitely be open to the idea of you burying yourself in my arse.”

  Kit purred and gave a soft mew of pleasure.

  Halor settled down on the cushions to observe. His time would come later. Until then, this was a moment for Kit and Logan to share, and he had the honour of watching.

  * * * *

  Kit slowly untied Logan’s belt and removed his kilt, tossing it away to the side where it would hopefully stay clean. He stripped off his own garment and added it to Logan’s.

  “How does this work?” Logan asked.

  Kit purred and buried his face in Logan’s neck. “This is how it works,” he whispered, and he began licking at Logan’s skin, feeling the quickening pulse under his tongue.

  Logan moaned quietly and Kit took one of his nipples into his mouth, sucking at the nub and nipping it sharply. Logan gave a small scream, but his erection, stiff against Kit’s leg, told Kit that he enjoyed the rough attention. Kit bit the second nipple, too, harder this time, testing Logan’s boundaries. Logan spread his legs as he gave a long, shuddering groan of pleasure.

  Kit alternated between licking and biting at Logan’s chest. He rubbed his erection against Logan’s cock. There was dampness at Logan’s tip and Kit’s mouth watered at the remembered taste. Not yet.

  Beside them, Halor watched with desire evident on his face. Kit grinned as he continued his exploration of Logan’s body.

  “Touch him, Logan,” Halor ordered. “He likes to be touched.”

  Logan didn’t need any more encouragement than that. He stroked along Kit’s back, tracing the long thin line of fur that ran down the length of his spine to the tail that was slowly wagging. When Logan reached Kit’s tail, he hesitated, perhaps reminded that Kit wasn’t human.

  “It’s okay,” Kit whispered. “You don’t have to touch me there.”

  Logan breathed a sigh of obvious relief and concentrated his efforts on Kit’s arse, which was smooth skin, just like Logan’s own.

  When Logan moved his fingers between his cheeks, Kit wriggled out of Logan’s reach. From the corner of his eye he could see Halor watching intently. His lover knew exactly why Kit had changed position, but Kit trusted him to keep silent.

  Instead of letting Logan touch him intimately, Kit paid homage to Logan’s cock and testicles. He sucked and fondled them for several minutes until the desire to mark Logan became too strong. He couldn’t wait any longer.

  Sitting back on his heels, Kit knelt between Logan’s spread thighs. He took his aching cock in his hand and stroked it purposefully. The first rope of cream landed on Logan’s abdomen. Kit continued to touch himself, watching one spurt after another hit Logan on the chest and stomach, and finally, over Logan’s thick cock.

  When Kit was sure he only had one load left, he gripped his base to keep it at bay.

  “Hold up your legs,” Kit asked and Logan hurried to comply.

  Burying his head between Logan’s legs, Kit licked at his hole, pushing his tongue inside and preparing Logan for his cock.

  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” Logan shouted as he pushed eagerly against Kit’s mouth. “Now Kit, fuck me, please. Kit, please, I can’t… Please…fuck…now…”

  “Take him,” Halor said. “He’s ready.”

  Kit could tell Halor was right, and he lined up his aching cock with Logan’s hole. He pushed in with one sure thrust and his final spurt of cream left his body the moment Logan’s arse squeezed around him.

  Leaning over Logan, Kit pl
aced his hands on Logan’s chest, his cooling cream sticky to his touch. He rocked into Logan until Logan came as well, his cream splattering Kit’s chest.

  Kit pulled out of Logan and lowered himself so their bodies were flush against each other.

  “I’m all sticky,” Logan pointed out in a somewhat groggy voice.

  “I know,” Kit replied. “That’s the whole point. My cream, my scent, all over your body, inside and out.”


  Kit rubbed against Logan in earnest, spreading his cream over as much of Logan’s upper body as he could manage. He could still smell Logan, but his scent was beginning to change as it mingled with Kit’s.

  Logan wrapped his legs around Kit’s thighs, holding him in place as they rocked together. Logan came a second time, moaning with pleasure. In that moment, watching Logan as he climaxed, Kit realised something of vital importance. He had begun this with the intention of claiming Logan. He hadn’t imagined that Logan would do likewise. Yet even now Kit could tell Logan’s scent on his own body was just as potent, and anyone who came near Kit in the following days would know who he belonged to.

  “Halor, come here,” Kit said. “I need you, too.”

  His lover didn’t hesitate, swiftly joining the two of them.

  Kit pulled Halor into a passionate kiss that was more teeth than tongues, biting and moaning as they came together over Logan, who was apparently too exhausted to move.

  Kit took hold of Halor’s cock and stroked it vigorously. Halor thrust into his hand and within moments, he was spilling across Kit’s fingers and Logan’s chest.

  “Oh, Kit,” Halor moaned as Kit held him.

  They collapsed on either side of Logan and Kit quickly curled up against the human. Their three scents, combined into one intoxicating mixture, was the last thing Kit was aware of before he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Logan woke to the sound of someone coughing repeatedly and deliberately. It wasn’t either of his companions, who both appeared to be fast asleep.

  “Your Highness,” called an annoyed voice, “your mother wishes to speak to you on a matter of utmost importance.”