To See the Sky Read online

Page 6

  AJ nodded as he shrank back in his seat.

  “I don’t think you do,” Blake replied. “You’ll both report to my room after supper.”

  With his orders clear, Blake swept from the room and AJ let out a long breath.

  “He’s angry,” Ryder commented unnecessarily.

  “Why do you think he wants you to report to him?” AJ asked.

  “I don’t know,” Ryder admitted. “I don’t like it either.”

  AJ silently agreed. He guessed they would find out soon enough what Blake had in mind.

  * * * *

  Neither AJ nor Ryder said anything as they left the supper table and headed into the main living area. The other staff members remained silent as they departed.

  When they arrived in Blake’s bedroom AJ saw Blake had rearranged the furniture and placed an armchair facing the foot of the bed. Blake pointed Ryder to the chair.

  “Take a seat,” he said.

  Ryder did as he was told and Blake nodded his approval. Turning to AJ, he gestured towards the bed. “Strip and get on the mattress,” he ordered.

  AJ looked over at Ryder who gave a small shrug. He apparently didn’t know what Blake had in mind either.

  “Are you suffering from a sudden case of deafness?” Blake asked. “Strip and get on the bed now.”

  AJ quickly undressed and climbed onto the mattress.

  Blake walked over to stand behind Ryder’s chair so they both faced AJ on the bed from the same angle.

  “Face us,” Blake demanded, and AJ turned to kneel facing the armchair. Ryder looked at him with open admiration and AJ was rather glad Blake could not see the expression on his servant’s face. Ryder’s feelings of desire were written there for anyone to see. With Ryder watching him, despite the awkwardness of the situation, AJ’s dick began to harden in response to the heated gaze.

  “What do you see, Ryder?” Blake asked.

  Ryder frowned at the question. “I see AJ.”

  “What else? Describe him for me.”

  “He’s pale, with shoulder-length dark hair, blue eyes, and a slim build.”

  AJ saw Ryder mouth one more word, soundlessly, so Blake could not hear him. “Beautiful.” AJ’s whole body seemed to flush in response to the silent compliment.

  “And?” Blake demanded.

  “He’s naked?” Ryder guessed.

  “You’re seeing a man when you look at him,” Blake said. The impatience in his voice was obvious. “What else do you see?”

  “I don’t know what you’re asking,” Ryder replied with barely concealed annoyance.

  “My whore,” Blake snapped. “When you look at him you should see my whore.”

  AJ could no longer meet Ryder’s eyes. His flush of pleasure became one of exposure and embarrassment. His partial erection became non-existent as his penis wilted.

  “Tell me what you see,” Blake demanded.

  “I see a whore,” Ryder whispered.

  “My whore,” Blake corrected. “What do you see?”

  AJ had to strain to hear Ryder’s mumbled response. “I see your whore.”

  Closing his eyes, AJ tried to imagine himself anywhere else except here. He had hoped to become real friends with Ryder, maybe even more than friends. Blake clearly had other ideas.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” Blake suddenly said and AJ opened his eyes to find him staring at him expectantly. AJ did as Blake ordered, even as he wondered when Ryder would be dismissed from the room.

  Blake walked over to a chest on the other side of the room. When he turned round he held a large fake phallus in his hand. It was far longer than Blake’s own penis and at least twice as wide in girth. AJ’s supper turned leaden in his stomach as Blake came back over to him.

  “I take it you know what this is?” Blake asked.

  AJ nodded nervously.

  “Spread your legs, whore.”

  AJ couldn’t bring himself to move. No way did he want that thing pushed up his arse. He had enough trouble taking Blake himself.

  Blake didn’t ask him a second time, he merely climbed onto the bed and manoeuvred AJ into position himself. “If you want to end this, all you have to do is say and you can leave right now.”

  “You don’t have to do this,” Ryder interrupted.

  “You know I don’t have a choice if I want to get paid,” AJ reminded him. “If I don’t stay the week I get nothing.”

  “It’s not worth it. Just walk away.”

  “It’s your choice,” Blake added. “It’s always your choice.”

  AJ looked at the phallus again. “Will you use lube?” he asked.

  Blake nodded his agreement and went to fetch the bottle.

  “Can Ryder leave now?”

  Blake laughed. “Oh no. Ryder needs to see what you are for himself, in case he forgets again.”

  “I hadn’t forgotten,” Ryder said. “I don’t need to see this.”

  He pushed up from the chair, but he hadn’t got completely out of his seat when Blake pointed at him to stay put. “Remain right where you are until I say you can leave or find yourself a new job.”

  Ryder glared at Blake as he sat back down. Like himself a few moments before, AJ could tell Ryder had no real choice in the matter.

  AJ jumped as the cold lube touched his arse. “Fuck!” he hissed.

  Blake still didn’t seem to understand the concept of preparation and even though the phallus had been coated in lube it still hurt AJ to take it. He hung his head and panted as he tried to force his muscles to relax.

  Blake tugged at his hair, pulling him back onto his heels. “Look at him, Ryder. See how my whore takes whatever I give him.”

  “Doesn’t look like he’s enjoying your attentions much,” Ryder muttered with a pointed glance at AJ’s groin.

  Blake reached round and took the soft flesh in his hand, pumping vigorously until it began to harden.

  Despite the lingering pain of the phallus buried in his arse, the touch of a hand on his cock made AJ moan with pleasure.

  “That’s right, whore. Moan for me. Do you hear him, Ryder? I see watching us turns you on. Generally my whore charges more for public displays. Perhaps I should dock your wages.”

  AJ blinked away the tears of shame and looked across at Ryder. His face was flushed and when AJ glanced down at his lap he could see a large telling bulge.

  “Ryder,” AJ whispered as he spilled his seed across Blake’s hand.

  “You call his name when you come?” Blake roared as he yanked the phallus from AJ’s arse and leaped from the bed. AJ shrank back from Blake as the taller man loomed over him. Time seemed to slow down as he watched Blake’s hand come at him right before everything went black.

  Chapter Seven

  When AJ came round his head pounded.

  “Don’t try to move yet,” Ryder said. When AJ ignored his advice he realised Ryder held him in his arms.

  “It’s okay, he’s gone out for a while,” Ryder said. “Are you okay?”

  “I feel like shit,” AJ muttered as the room swam about him when he tried again to sit up.

  “Can you walk?”

  AJ let Ryder help him to his feet and gave a tiny shake of his head. “Give me a minute, just until the room stops spinning.”

  “You need to take it easy. You were out cold for a couple of minutes. Come on, let me help you downstairs.”

  AJ didn’t argue when Ryder slowly guided him down the stairs and through into the staff quarters.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Ryder said as he quickly undressed and helped AJ into the shower.

  “I can wash myself,” AJ complained. “I’m not a baby.”

  Ryder shook his head. “I never said you were. But right now you can barely stand up straight. I’m not leaving you alone in here.”

  “I just want to go to sleep. I can get cleaned up in the morning.”

  Ryder ignored him and grabbed a soft flannel from the rack. “You shouldn’t sleep just yet. You might have a concuss
ion and you’re bleeding.”

  AJ raised his hand to his head. He could feel the bump from where Blake had hit him, but there didn’t appear to be any blood. He looked at Ryder in confusion.

  “Not there,” Ryder said as he turned on the shower and dropped to his knees.

  AJ looked down and saw what Ryder referred to. A thin trickle of red ran down his thigh. Ryder gently wiped the blood away and carefully washed AJ’s most intimate places.

  Under any other circumstances AJ would have been aroused by Ryder’s actions. Unfortunately, at the moment getting off was the last thing on his mind. It was probably for the best. He wiped away a stray tear, telling himself not to be so foolish as to imagine Ryder saw him as anything other than a whore. Blake had made sure they both knew AJ’s place.

  Ryder finished washing him, turned off the shower and grabbed a large fluffy towel from the rack. He wrapped the soft fabric around AJ and helped him dry off. When he had finished tending AJ he grabbed a second towel for himself and did likewise.

  When they were both dry Ryder walked AJ back to the sleeping quarters and put him into his capsule.

  “What are you doing?” AJ asked when Ryder climbed in next to him.

  “We need to talk, without anyone overhearing us.”

  Ryder stretched out beside AJ and hit the button to close the capsule. “How do you feel?” he asked.

  AJ groaned. “Tired and aching.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  “About what happened upstairs,” Ryder answered. “Why did you call my name when you came tonight?”

  “You know why.”

  “I need to hear you say the words.”

  “Because I wanted you to be the one touching me,” AJ whispered as he closed his eyes.

  “I wish I had been,” Ryder admitted. “You wouldn’t be in this pain if I’d been the one fucking you.”

  “No one else shall ever fuck me after this week is over,” AJ promised.

  “Being on the receiving end doesn’t have to be painful,” Ryder said. “Those who bottom can find pleasure in intercourse just as much as those who top.”

  “I know. At least I think my other partners in the past left me satisfied. They never complained about the way I took them, and they never bled. But it’s not for me. I hate it when I feel a cock, fake or otherwise, pushing inside me. I can’t relax like you’re supposed to either. It just hurts too much.”

  “You just got unlucky with Blake. He…”

  AJ opened his eyes when Ryder’s voice trailed off. “What?”

  Ryder chewed on his lip. “He’s had other lovers before you.”

  “I’m his whore, not his lover, and I never thought him a virgin.”

  “I know, but most of his past lovers have only stayed a single night. Several of them have commented on his roughness. One called him a brute as he stormed out the door and another said he was a sadist. He’s always treated his staff well, so we don’t tend to see that side of him. At least I never did, until tonight.”

  AJ sighed. “I just need to make it though the rest of the week.”

  “What are you going to do when the week is over?” Ryder asked.

  “I don’t know. Find somewhere to live. See what other work I can find.”

  “What about us?”

  AJ focused on a spot on Ryder’s neck rather than look him in the eye.


  “I don’t know.”

  “I want to see you when your contract with Blake is over.”

  “You mean you want to fuck me,” AJ replied. “I saw how turned on you got when you watched tonight.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It doesn’t matter. What gay man doesn’t get off on seeing another man getting fucked?”

  “Seeing Blake use you like he did isn’t what turned me on,” Ryder said. “It was the sounds you made while Blake was getting you off. Each of those little moans went right to my dick. More than anything I wanted to be the one giving you pleasure.”

  AJ met Ryder’s eyes. Under the covers Ryder’s hand lightly brushed over his abdomen, reaching lower to run his fingers along AJ’s cock. AJ moaned quietly as he hardened under the feather-light touch. Ryder lay close enough for AJ to feel his erection hard against his thigh.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” AJ whispered.

  “I know,” Ryder replied as he scooted a little closer and wrapped AJ in his warm embrace. “But we’re going to.”

  AJ nodded and pressed his lips to Ryder’s, letting the other man feel his growing desire as they kissed and touched in the darkness.

  Far too sore to do anything more adventurous, AJ pulled back before they got carried away. “What if Jessiah sees us?”

  “He’ll say nothing if he does.”

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”

  Ryder smiled back at him and brushed one last kiss across his lips. “Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. When this week is over we’ll work something out.”

  AJ closed his eyes, dreading the morning, but also content to believe Ryder when he promised things would work out.

  * * * *

  The next morning AJ cringed in awkward embarrassment when he caught Jessiah openly staring at him as he crawled out of the sleeping capsule with Ryder at his side.

  “Not a single word,” Ryder warned. “To anyone.”

  Jessiah made a gesture of turning a key over his mouth and disappeared out the door.

  “How do you know he’ll keep quiet?” AJ asked as he struggled to dress.

  “He will. He owes me for getting him this job. He could easily have been a lab rat himself, as well he knows.”

  Ryder pushed AJ’s hands aside and fastened his buttons for him. “Come on, let’s get something to eat.”

  AJ nodded and followed Ryder into the kitchen where the rest of the staff tucked into their breakfast.

  They had barely sat down, AJ somewhat gingerly, when the door to the kitchen burst open and Blake barged inside.

  “There you are. Didn’t you hear me calling?”

  AJ hadn’t heard a thing, and from the faces of the others, neither had they. He mumbled an apology as he stood up and made to follow after Blake. He had reached the door before he realised Blake didn’t intend to leave the kitchen.

  To his horror, Blake undid the buttons of his trousers and pulled out his penis right there in the middle of the room. “Suck me,” he ordered.

  AJ froze to the spot.

  “Now!” Blake demanded.

  AJ glanced at the other staff members. Ashleigh blushed and looked at her plate. Jessiah also seemed embarrassed. Corrine faced the cooker and appeared to be deliberately keeping her back to them. Ryder looked positively livid, but he remained in his seat. Of all the staff members, Ryder alone looked at Blake and AJ.

  “What are you waiting for?” Blake asked. “You’ve sucked a man in public before. I saw you with my own eyes.”


  “But nothing. Do you hear Corrine complaining about how she can’t cook because someone is watching her?”


  “Or does Ashleigh refuse to clean if anyone else remains in the room?”

  “No, but—”

  “They do their jobs and this is yours,” Blake interrupted. “My cook, my maid, my whore. Now get on your knees and suck me before you make me late for work.”

  AJ wanted the floor to open up and swallow him as he walked back to Blake and sank to his knees. He counted it a blessing when he saw Blake was already hard as a rock and leaking cum. It wouldn’t take long to get him off. Taking the flesh between his lips, AJ sucked quick and hard until Blake came down his throat a couple of minutes later.

  When his humbling task was over AJ stayed on his knees. He watched silently as Blake tucked himself away, grabbed an apple from the bowl and strolled out the door as though getting a blow job in front of his staff was an everyday occurrence.

sooner had the door closed behind Blake than Ryder sank down on the floor beside him. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s over now. He’s gone.”

  AJ didn’t even realise he had started to cry until Ryder gently wiped away his tears. Through watery eyes he saw a hand with a glass of orange juice stretched out towards him. He looked up to see Jessiah holding the drink out to him, a silent apology for what had happened. AJ took both the juice and the apology gratefully.

  “Today’s my day off,” Ryder said. “I’m going to take you out of here for the day, no arguments.”

  AJ didn’t want to argue at all. He would be delighted to leave the apartment and never come back. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. A day out with Ryder was the next best thing.

  * * * *

  “The archives,” Ryder announced as he and AJ walked through the wide doors and into the one and only library in the underground world they resided in. “Have you ever been here?”

  AJ shook his head as they walked to the reception. It cost five credits to even enter the archives. AJ had never had a single credit to spare.

  “I usually try to come here once a month,” Ryder said as he paid the entrance charge for both himself and AJ. “What would you like to see first?”

  AJ looked around him in wonder. There were hundreds of shelves filled with books from floor to ceiling, stretching in one direction as far as the eye could see. Many rooms led off the main one and even though AJ couldn’t read any of the signs he was certain each room held something truly marvellous. “I don’t know. What do you like to come and see?”

  Ryder grinned and took AJ’s hand as he walked through the main room. “How about a movie?”

  “What’s a movie?”

  Ryder laughed and quickened his pace. “Come this way and see for yourself.”

  AJ caught Ryder’s infectious excitement as they hurried through one of the doors and into a darkened room.

  “They play this one all the time,” Ryder whispered as they took their seats, Ryder having led him to two of the more comfortable-looking ones. There weren’t any other people in the room besides the two of them. “Everyone who goes to school sees the film at least once. There’ll probably be a bunch of kids in here to see it again later. It tells the story of how this world came to exist.”