To See the Sky Read online

Page 5

  “Sleep well?” Ryder asked.

  “What do you care?” AJ snapped back.

  Ryder held up his hands. “Okay, how about a truce?”

  AJ sat up and brushed his hands through his hair. He was always grouchy in the morning, but Ryder didn’t know that.

  “Why was Blake angry with you?” Ryder asked.

  “Because I can’t read,” AJ explained.

  “But you’re a lab rat. Everyone knows lab rats aren’t educated.”

  “Everyone apart from Blake, apparently,” AJ muttered. “It seems he might have forgotten. Rather like you don’t realise just how few jobs there are out there for those who can’t read.”

  Ryder mumbled something under his breath. “Get dressed and come through to the kitchen. We’ll talk more over lunch.”

  AJ didn’t want to admit he had no clothes to wear. Once Ryder had left the room he wrapped the bed sheet around him and hoped he was at least modestly covered. Ryder took one look at him when he entered the kitchen and rolled his eyes.

  “Is there something wrong with your new suit? Isn’t it up to your high standards?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Blake tore it. Apparently it’s a waste of credits to buy clothes for a whore.”

  Ryder stalked past AJ and returned a minute later with a set of clothes from what AJ guessed was his own wardrobe. “Blake might be happy with you wandering round naked all day, but I’m not. Put those on.”

  AJ didn’t argue. He didn’t want to. He was just happy to be able to get dressed.

  “Right,” Ryder stated as they sat at the table, a large plate of sandwiches between them. “What do you say to some reading lessons?”

  “What?” AJ choked down the first bite of his cheese sandwich. “I can’t afford to take lessons, not until after the week is over anyway.”

  “There’s plenty of reading material round the apartment. Blake’s grandfather was quite a hoarder and his great-grandfather kept journals about his science experiments. Blake lets the staff read them if they want to. I’ve read several of them myself. I’ll teach you how to read from them, if you want?”

  “Don’t you have work to do?” AJ asked. “It’s bad enough I’m in trouble without getting you into Blake’s bad books too.”

  “I usually have the afternoons off. I finished my jobs for the day this morning, so there’s nothing to stop me spending the afternoon teaching you how to read.”

  “But why would you want to? I’m just a whore.”

  Ryder looked down at his plate and AJ thought perhaps he regretted his hastily made offer.

  “I shouldn’t have introduced you to the rest of the staff they way I did,” Ryder finally said. “And I should have stopped Ashleigh and Jessiah from treating you the way they have.”

  “It doesn’t matter. They have a right to treat me however they want.”

  “No, they don’t!”

  AJ stared at Ryder in shock. Ryder's cheeks flushed red and he turned back to his sandwich, picking at the filling. “I’m a lab rat, which is barely a step up from a whore. Do you think I’ve never been insulted before?”

  “That’s not the point. I've never judged anyone for how they earn their credits. I was right down in the labyrinth with you. I could see how bad things were down there, compared to up here in the towers. I'm furious with myself for treating you the way I have. In some ways I'm no better than Blake.”

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm treating you like all you are is a whore, just the same as he is. Even worse, I encouraged Ashleigh and Jessiah to do the same, when I should be setting them a good example."

  "Like it or not, I am a whore."

  Ryder tossed his sandwich down on the table. “I don't want to argue with you. I’m apologising, okay?”


  “I’m sorry I judged you when I had no right. Can we start over?” Ryder gave him a hopeful look and the last of AJ’s anger melted away.

  “Do you really want to teach me how to read?”

  Ryder smiled and AJ recalled their first meeting and his thoughts about how handsome Ryder was. “Come on, eat up and we’ll get started.”

  AJ tucked into the sandwiches, enjoying a meal for the first time in a very long time. When he followed Ryder through to Blake’s study he thought he might even be happy, for the first time in nearly as long.

  * * * *

  “Okay,” said Ryder, the pleasure evident in his voice. “I think you have your letters all clear now. You’re a fast learner.”

  AJ practically glowed with delight at the praise. “Maybe it’s because you’re a good teacher?”

  Ryder grinned back at him. They had been going over the alphabet for hours and finally AJ could recognise each letter by sight. He could even recognise his own name and write it down.

  The other staff members had been popping in and out during the course of the afternoon. Corrine had introduced herself and provided AJ with his first taste of chocolate, something he felt sure he would never be able to survive without now that he had tasted it. He only vaguely recalled his parents, but he recognised the motherly vibes emanating from Corrine and let her fuss over him, exclaiming about his lack of a good diet and promising to build him up.

  Ashleigh had appeared briefly and mumbled her own apology to AJ, who suspected she had been prompted by Ryder. She had also offered to loan him one of the children’s books her mother had left her for her own children. AJ had graciously accepted and now that Ryder had declared him competent with his letters, he picked up Ashleigh’s book and carefully opened it to the first page.

  Ryder sat close beside him and together they read Ashleigh’s book, AJ stumbling over the simple words as he read aloud the story of the three little pigs.

  The light from the window had long since dimmed when Ryder declared AJ knew the story by heart and suggested they move on to another book the following day.

  Disappointed though AJ was to end the pleasant time they had been having, Blake would be returning soon and their time had nearly run out anyway.

  “Come on, let’s go see what Corrine has cooked up for dinner,” Ryder said.

  AJ agreed, as did his growling stomach. Silently, he hoped for something with chocolate in it.

  This time the meal with the staff was far more pleasant than the previous ones. For the first time AJ felt as though he was one of them. Only when Blake returned and bellowed for AJ to come service him was he reminded of his place.

  AJ left the table, waiting for the snide comments to come, but even Jessiah, the only one not to apologise outright to AJ, remained silent as he left the room.

  “You took your time,” Blake snapped the moment AJ entered the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed, naked and fondling his erection.

  “What can I do for you?” AJ asked.

  “Suck me,” Blake ordered.

  AJ dropped to his knees and set to work. At least if he wasn’t being fucked tonight it would give his sore arse a chance to recover.

  As he sucked on Blake’s cock, AJ wondered idly what Ryder was doing right now. No sooner had the thought of Ryder entered his mind, AJ began to imagine what it might be like to be doing this to him. Would he taste better than Blake? AJ thought he might. Was Ryder even homosexual? Ashleigh constantly batted her eyelashes at Ryder, but just because he didn’t appear interested in the pretty young woman, it didn’t automatically follow he was attracted to men, or to AJ specifically.

  “You aren’t concentrating!” Blake snapped when AJ’s teeth accidentally scraped the sensitive flesh. “Get your mind on your job or when I fuck you I’ll do it without lube.”

  AJ startled at the knowledge Blake intended to fuck him tonight as well. His dick, which had begun to harden as he thought of Ryder, wilted at Blake’s words. This week was turning out to be harder than he’d initially thought. He only hoped he’d get paid at the end of it.

  Chapter Six

  Ryder was still awake when AJ limped back into the sleeping chamber an ho
ur later.

  “What the fuck did he do to you?” Ryder asked as he jumped from his capsule and helped AJ across the room.

  AJ spared a glance for Jessiah and was relieved to see the teen was already asleep, his capsule closed for the night, with no possibility of him hearing them.

  “I’m fine,” AJ said. “Just let me sleep and I’ll be fine.”

  Ryder shook his head. “Were you really a virgin?”


  “And has he fucked you every night since the auction?”

  “Yes.” AJ snorted. “He’s making sure he gets value for his credits.”

  “He’s hurting you, is what he’s doing.”

  “He isn’t doing anything I’ve not agreed to,” AJ reminded him.

  “When you stood on that table and put yourself on offer, did you agree to a week of being fucked this hard?”

  “No. But if I leave now I get nothing.”

  “Is it worth it to go through this for a few measly credits?”

  “Nineteen and a half thousand credits plus my sister’s life,” AJ whispered as he sank back onto the mattress. “Yes, it’s worth it.”

  “Your sister is safe now.”

  “I know.”

  “You can walk away right now and she’ll still be alive.”

  “I’ve nowhere to go if I leave tonight. I’ve less than a hundred credits on my band and nowhere to stay.”

  “I know nearly twenty thousand credits for one week seems like a good deal to you—”

  “Don’t,” AJ interrupted. “I made my choice and I’m going to follow it through.”

  Ryder started to say something in response, but AJ pulled the capsule closed, effectively ending the conversation.

  * * * *

  The next day AJ woke feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. His body still ached, but his spirit was revitalised. His new tentative friendship with Ryder made all the difference to his demeanour. Ryder noticed the change in him immediately.

  “Wow, you look like a new man,” he said as AJ breezed into the kitchen.

  “What smells so good?” AJ asked as he tried to see round Corrine’s shoulder.

  “A full English fry-up,” Ashleigh said. “We only have one once a month because most of the ingredients are so rare.”

  “What is it?” AJ queried as Corrine dished up the various strange items and handed out the plates.

  “Bacon, sausages, fried tomatoes and mushrooms, eggs, toast, juice…” Ashleigh’s voice trailed off as she shovelled the food into her mouth.

  “We don’t know where she puts it all,” Jessiah teased.

  Ashleigh replied with a two-fingered salute that brought laughter to the whole table.

  “Ready for your next lesson?” Ryder asked as they finished clearing their plates.

  AJ nodded eagerly. “Definitely.”

  “Good. I’ve got some jobs to do this morning, but as soon as they’re done we’ll get started. You can practise your letters while you’re waiting if you like?”

  “Or I could help you with your jobs?” AJ suggested. “The sooner you finish, the sooner our lesson can start.”

  Ryder held out his hand for AJ to shake. “Deal.”

  Jessiah stood up and gathered the empty plates to carry over to the sink. “You’d better not let Blake catch you two making cow eyes at each other. I don’t think the boss likes to share his toys.”

  Ryder glared at Jessiah’s back. “AJ isn’t a toy!”

  Jessiah turned round at the sharp reprimand. “You know what I meant.”

  AJ patted Ryder’s arm. “It’s okay.”

  Ryder glanced down at AJ’s hand and AJ pulled back quickly. Ryder reached out and took his fingers in a light grip. “No, it’s not. It’s my fault Jessiah speaks about you like he does. And it’s going to stop right now. He’s following my example because he thinks it’s okay to look down on someone for how they earn credits.”

  “Like you didn’t look down on him for the same reason,” Jessiah replied.

  “No, I didn’t,” Ryder said. “I was just jealous.”

  “Jealous?” AJ asked.

  Ryder blushed. “When we were in the elevator, going up to the party, I liked you. I was going to try and hook up with you that night. Then you put on that damn collar and the next thing I know you belong to Blake. I was pissed because I missed my chance, and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for that, and I’m sorry for setting a bad example to Jessiah and the others. I’m apologising for my part in this and I hope Jessiah will do the same.”

  “I’m sorry, okay,” Jessiah said. “But you know I’m right about Blake. However you want to dress it up, AJ is his property until the end of the week, and if he knows you have a thing for each other he’ll put a stop to it.”

  “It’s not like there’s anything going on between us,” Ryder said.

  “Of course not,” Corrine interrupted. “You’re sitting there holding his hand because your fingers are cold.”

  Ryder looked down at their joined hands as though he hadn’t realised they were there. AJ eased his fingers out of the grip and wiped his suddenly sweaty palm on his trousers. At least the question of whether Ryder was into men—into him— had been answered.

  * * * *

  Ryder was in a quiet mood as he and AJ worked side by side throughout the morning.

  “Does it bother you?” Ryder finally asked as he finished up the weekly accounts. AJ had been helping by totting up the figures, something they discovered he was quite adept at.

  “Does what bother me?” AJ replied, not sure where Ryder’s thoughts had drifted.

  “That I’m attracted to you.”

  “No,” AJ answered. “Why should it?”

  Ryder went silent again for several minutes. “I don’t want you to feel as though I see you as only a whore. I meant it when I said liked you before you put your wretched collar on.”

  “I liked you too,” AJ admitted.

  “Does that mean you don’t like me now? Did I ruin any chance I had with you completely by the way I treated you after the auction?”

  AJ smiled and shook his head. “I still like you, far more than I should.”

  Ryder looked at him coyly from under long lashes. “And why’s that?”

  “Because this week I belong to Blake. Jessiah made a good point, tactless though his comment was, Blake wouldn’t approve of anything happening between us.”

  Ryder leant closer and brushed his lips across AJ’s in a kiss as soft as a whisper. “Later,” he murmured. “You won’t be Blake’s forever.”

  AJ shifted in his seat. His cock, which never seemed to rise to the occasion when Blake fucked him, decided now would be a good time to make its presence known. He needed a distraction before they got carried away. He grabbed a book off the shelf and opened it to a random page. “Perhaps we should carry on with the lessons,” he suggested.

  Ryder nodded shakily and took the book from him. He read slowly, moving his finger across the page to show AJ the words he spoke. The book was one of Blake’s ancestor’s journals—AJ gathered that much. Everything else went right over his head as he listened to Ryder read. He wasn’t conscious of anything other than the heat of the man sitting next to him and the way his own treacherous body reacted. He tried—with little success—to hide his erection. Only when Ryder stopped reading did AJ realise something was wrong.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “This can’t be right,” Ryder replied as he flicked back through the pages.

  “What do you mean?” AJ hoped his inattention wasn’t too obvious. He would hate for Ryder to consider him a poor student.

  Ryder ignored him as he skimmed back and forth through the journal. AJ, worried and a little curious as to what Ryder meant by his comment, fidgeted at his side.

  “According to this journal, Blake’s great-grandfather succeeded in his experiment with time travel,” Ryder explained. “But that’s impossible, or everyone would have heard about

  “Is time travel possible?” AJ asked.

  “It’s not supposed to be,” Ryder replied as he continued to leaf through the pages. “But according to this book, Blake’s great-grandfather managed the feat several times.”

  “I wish I could go back to another time,” AJ said with a small sigh of wistfulness. “To see the sky as it used to be, without the clouds of gases polluting the air. To lay on the grass and smell the fresh flowers must have been wonderful. I bet half the people back then didn’t appreciate what they had when they had it.”

  Ryder smiled as he closed the book. “I suspect you’re right.”

  “Do you think Blake’s ancestor really managed to go back in time?”

  “I don’t know,” Ryder admitted. “If he did, it’s got to be one of the biggest secrets ever kept.”

  AJ looked out of the window at the red sky. Long ago, before the Last War, it had been blue. Some people believed it might one day be so again. AJ was aware it wouldn’t be in his lifetime. There had been far too much damage caused to the planet during the war. The Earth needed the time to recover and all the remaining humans could do was wait things out underground in the various isolated communities across the world.

  “What are you thinking?” Ryder asked.

  “Nothing important,” AJ replied as he turned to face Ryder.

  They sat close enough to kiss—properly this time—but AJ knew it would be a bad idea to make such a move.

  “What the hell’s going on here?” Blake thundered as he took in the scene before him.

  AJ and Ryder both jumped at Blake’s unexpected return.

  “Nothing,” Ryder answered as he pulled back from AJ and turned to face their employer. “I’m just giving AJ some reading lessons.”

  “Whores don’t need to know how to read,” Blake shouted. “And even if they did, they don’t need to be sitting on your lap to learn.”

  “I’m not sitting on anyone’s lap,” AJ interrupted.

  “Don’t answer back,” Blake snapped. “You’re my whore and no other man will touch you while you’re under contract to me. Do you understand me, whore?”