Magic & Mirrors Read online

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  The loud creak of the gangplank made Harry cringe. He quickened his pace, trying to look as if he were meant to be there, and not sneaking on board for a free ride.

  Security seemed to be quite lax and no one appeared to challenge him.

  Finding a door ajar, Harry pressed his ear against the wood, listening for the sound of movement. Hearing nothing, he slipped inside and hurried down the steps.

  The room he found himself in had been filed with crates, some of which made strange noises, others with foul smells, and several with both.

  Harry crept through the hold and debated whether to hide in there or to search for somewhere else. A door at the far end sealed his decision. Too many people might come through this area of the ship. He would be spotted before they were even out of the bay. If he were lucky he’d be tossed overboard. If he were unlucky, those cutlasses were awfully sharp and he didn’t like the idea of having one anywhere near his vital parts.

  Venturing forth, Harry slipped through the door and found himself face to face with one of the crew.


  “You the new cook?” the man asked. “You’re late. The captain’s been bellowing for his supper for the last hour.”

  Finally, a lucky break. Harry nodded and followed the sailor down the corridor and into the galley. The smell here was worse than in any of the crates. Harry didn’t know who had been cooking what, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to ask.

  “I’d hurry up if I were you,” the sailor said as he scurried out the door, leaving Harry wondering where to start.

  “Can you cook?” Lucius asked.

  “Of course I can,” Harry replied. He checked the pot on the stove and didn’t even bother trying to guess what it might contain. He tossed the contents out the port hole and into the sea, hoping the fishes enjoyed it.

  Harry scrounged around the cupboards and found some fairly decent vegetables and a loaf of bread that would do after he had scraped the mould off.

  He worked quickly to put together a vegetable stew. Every now and then the captain bellowed for his supper. The sailor who had brought him to the galley poked his head round the door periodically and when it was ready, he took the tray to the captain’s cabin.

  Harry would have collapsed into a chair after all his efforts, but there were too many pots and pans littering every surface in the place.

  Having had his quarters pointed out to him on the way to galley, Harry decided cleaning up could wait until morning. He ignored the mess and went in search of his bed.

  Chapter Five

  For the first couple of days Harry stuck close to the galley, only venturing as far as his own quarters at the end of the day. The fewer people he saw, the better his chance of avoiding the captain, the one man who would recognise him. The real cook had never shown up, and Harry hoped if he were caught by the captain his work in the galley would save his skin.

  His quarters were small and cramped, and someone seemed to think his cabin could be utilised as extra storage space. Every time he entered, something else had been added. By the night of the full moon Harry doubted he would be able to get through the door at all.

  On the third night Harry discovered the latest addition was a full length mirror. The sailor depositing it nodded at Harry. “It’s a bit too near the goats in the hold. One of them tried to kick it this afternoon. The captain thought it might be more secure in here. Just be careful not to break it.”

  “Seven years bad luck, right?”

  The sailor laughed. “That’ll be the least of your problems. If you break it, you’ll be the one to explain to the Empress why she hasn’t got her one-of-a-kind mirror. I hear she throws those that displease her into pits full of scorpions.”

  Harry winced. “It’s in safe hands. There won’t be a scratch on it.”

  The sailor grunted as he departed, leaving Harry alone in his cabin.

  “Now this is more like it,” Lucius announced as he quickly stepped into the mirror the sailor had brought in.

  Harry could tell Lucius continued to speak, but now he was in a mirror not of his kingdom, his voice had gone. He also appeared a little less solid. He hoped Lucius wasn’t saying anything important.

  Harry watched as Lucius sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms above his head. His shirt hung open a little, revealing a delightfully hairy chest. Harry forced himself to look away before he did something inappropriate.

  Lucius slipped back into his usual mirror and Harry heard a contented sigh. “I needed that stretch. You can’t imagine how confining it is being stuck in a hand mirror. The only time I get to be my actual size is when the wizard is walking around the castle, and at those times I can’t even blink.”

  Harry sympathised as he sat where Lucius had been a moment before.

  “How far do you think we are from the island?” Lucius asked. “We are going in the right direction, aren’t we?”

  “I hope so,” Harry replied. When he’d made enquiries at the dock, the harbour master had assured him of the ship’s route. Hopefully Harry had been correctly informed, and they were still on course.

  Harry watched for land out of the porthole. They should be nearing the island soon. He busied himself with cooking for the captain and the crew during the day and chatting to Lucius at night.

  Two nights after the large mirror had been placed in Harry’s room, Harry was washing in a basin and having a much-needed shave. He had avoided the latter since coming on board, since the rocking of the ship and a cutthroat razor were not a good combination. He was only risking it now because the seas were calm.

  “You’re very handsome, you know,” Lucius said from the mirror, causing Harry to nick his face and curse. “Did a man ever tell you that before?”

  “Of course not,” Harry replied. “Men don’t say rubbish like that to other men, not unless they want roughing up.”

  “Is that what happened in the alley?” Lucius asked. “Did you make advances to the wrong man?”

  Harry glared over his shoulder at Lucius. “I didn’t make advances—whatever the heck they are—to anyone.”

  Lucius laughed, though the sound died abruptly as he moved into the full length mirror for his evening stretch.

  Harry finished shaving and walked across to the bed. “Are you going to sit there all night?” he snapped. He wouldn’t get any sleep at all if Lucius intended to sit on the end of the bed.

  Lucius grinned and moved back to the handheld mirror. “You know something, I bet you haven’t been laid in as long as I have.”

  Harry ignored the question and threw the blanket back.

  “You need to relax more,” Lucius continued.

  “Are you going to talk all night?” Harry complained.

  “No, I was thinking we might have some fun.”

  Harry snorted. “Or I could get some sleep.”

  “My idea of fun would help you get to sleep easier,” Lucius said. “Or at least I find it does.”

  Harry knew it would be a mistake to ask, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. “What sort of fun?”

  Lucius practically crowed with delight when Harry took the bait. “Turn around and look at me and I think you’ll get the idea.”

  Harry rolled over to look at the hand mirror, but Lucius had gone into the large mirror again.

  Even though he had no voice, Lucius made his wishes known very clearly by prodding Harry until he sat up and made room on the bed for Lucius to stretch out beside him.

  Harry folded his arms across his chest. “This bed is definitely not big enough for the two of us.”

  Lucius made an expression that Harry suspected came from snorting.

  “Oh yes,” Harry said. “This is so much fun.”

  He was about to suggest that Lucius get off the bed and let him get some sleep when he realised he should have been keeping a much closer eye on the reflections in the mirror.

  The pressure of a hand on his groin was unmistakable. Even though there was no one beside hi
m, he could feel Lucius touching him. “Um, what are you doing?”

  Lucius’ reflection grinned at him from the mirror. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  Harry gasped. “I can hear you, how is that possible?”

  Lucius stopped his teasing and frowned. He opened his mouth and was obviously speaking, but once again there was no sound.

  Harry shook his head. “No, not a sound that time.” Maybe he had imagined it.

  Lucius shrugged and returned to what he was doing. “You never answered my question.”

  “Okay, I definitely heard you that time,” Harry said.

  Lucius’ expression was one of realisation, and he drew back a little. When he spoke no sound came out, until he touched Harry on the arm. Then he came through loud and clear. Harry could see Lucius’ reflection in the mirror was more solid when he was touching him too. “Now, isn’t that interesting?” Lucius commented. “It seems that when I’m touching someone, or at least when I’m touching you, the connection allows you to hear me.”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t tested that before?”

  “No, of course not. Other than the odd touch or prod at someone, I’ve not been in a position to experiment. Chances are they could have heard me if they’d stopped screaming long enough to listen. Now, what were we doing?”

  “Well, I seem to recall you were groping my cock,” Harry replied.

  “You’re most observant.” Lucius placed his hand on Harry’s groin again and rubbed him through the fabric. “Tell me, does it feel good?”


  “Would you prefer me to stop, or are you ready to admit that you’re aroused by other men?”

  “I…” Harry closed his eyes and groaned. What was the use of protesting when his cock was making it quite plain that he was enjoying Lucius’ touch?

  “I’ll stop if you ask me to,” Lucius said. “All you have to do is say.”

  Harry moaned and glanced down at his groin. There was nothing there, and yet he could feel Lucius just as well as if he was really right beside him.

  “Don’t stop,” Harry whispered.

  Lucius didn’t waste any more time. He undid the ties of Harry’s pants while Harry watched the laces appear to move on their own.

  “That looks so strange,” Harry commented.

  “It looks like a perfectly normal cock to me,” Lucius replied with a snicker.

  Harry didn’t bother telling Lucius what he meant, since it was clear that Lucius simply thought he was being amusing. He sucked in a long breath as Lucius freed his cock from the confines of his clothing and touched the hard flesh as it sprang free.

  Harry stared at the reflection opposite him, finding it was a little less disconcerting when he could see what Lucius was doing.

  It wasn’t that he hadn’t been with a man before, but this was different. This wasn’t a quick fumble in a grubby alley. Lucius was taking his time exploring him. Harry had no doubt the king had done this before, but he shouldn’t have been surprised, there always had been different rules for the royals and nobles of the world.

  Lucius scooted down the narrow bed and lowered his head over Harry’s cock. “Now for a taste,” he said before he sucked the thick length into his mouth.

  Harry almost bucked off the bed. He reached down and found Lucius’ hair under his fingers. He couldn’t see what he was touching, but he could feel the thick strands as well as he could feel Lucius’ lips and tongue on his cock.

  For the first time in his life, Harry let himself relax and enjoy the attentions of another man. He could get used to this.


  He stopped that line of thought before he got carried away. Lucius wasn’t just any man, he was a king, and while he might not be opposed to fooling around with Harry right now, things would change as soon as he got control of his body again. He should just enjoy this while he could.

  Lucius sucked him and teased him until Harry didn’t think he could last a moment longer. Then Lucius pulled away, let him get his breath back, and started all over again.

  Harry had his eyes closed again when Lucius released his cock and straddled him instead. He opened his eyes so he could see their reflections in the mirror and he kept his gaze focused on Lucius as the king removed his shirt and tossed it to one side. From their position he could only see Lucius’ back and he was rather disappointed at that.

  He rose onto his elbows and nodded at the mirror. “Turn round.”

  Lucius didn’t question him. He turned to face the mirror and Harry sat up behind him. He gazed at Lucius’ reflection, studying him properly for the first time. The handsome king had certainly been blessed when it came to looks. His blond hair, blue eyes and strong jaw were classic traits of the royal family. Harry glanced at his own reflection and grimaced. His dark hair was messy and his teeth were crooked. His eyes were too close together and his ears stuck out. He was the very definition of shifty.

  “What are you frowning at?” Lucius asked. “Don’t you like what you see?”

  Harry shrugged. “Not particularly.”

  “Oh.” Lucius ducked his head, his face flushed.

  “Not you,” Harry assured him when he realised how Lucius had interpreted his words. “I guess I’ve never really looked at myself properly in a mirror before.”

  Lucius smiled. “Well, I like what I see when I look at you.”

  Harry gave him a sceptical frown.

  Lucius turned and kissed him on the lips. Harry closed his eyes, as it was far too strange otherwise.

  Suddenly, it wasn’t fooling around anymore. He kissed Lucius hard as the king tumbled them back onto the bed. Lucius was on top of him, grinding against him, as they continued to kiss and scramble out of their clothes.

  Each time Harry opened his eyes the jarring sensation hit him and he grabbed a length of cloth. “Blindfold me,” he said.

  In the mirror, Lucius took the cloth and placed it over Harry’s eyes, tying it at the back.

  Lucius took his hand. “Is that better?”


  “Shall we carry on now?”

  Harry nodded. “Please.”

  Lucius licked his ear. “Please what?” he whispered.

  “Touch me,” Harry gasped. “Please touch me.”

  Lucius complied, and this time Harry was able to ignore the strangeness of their circumstances. Lucius’ hands seemed to be everywhere at once. One moment they were cupping his cheeks as he kissed him, the next they were spreading his thighs or wrapped around his cock.

  It occurred to Harry that he wasn’t doing much to give pleasure to Lucius in return, but he guessed there would be time for that later.

  Lucius didn’t say much to him, but he didn’t need to.

  Harry moaned and cried out, hoping no one was nearby to hear him. Not that anyone was likely to come down to his cabin at all. It wasn’t as if there was space to dump any more of the overflow of cargo.

  Lucius rubbed against him, the king’s thick cock hard against his thigh.

  “Take me,” Harry begged as he tried to guide Lucius where he wanted him to be.

  “Not tonight,” Lucius whispered. “But one day, one day…”

  Harry wasn’t sure there would be a one day, but he was rapidly losing control, and from Lucius’ breathlessness, he suspected he wasn’t the only one.

  “I’m close,” Lucius gasped.

  “Me too!” He held onto Lucius as they climaxed within seconds of each other.

  The weight of Lucius, half on top of him was pleasant, and Harry was reluctant to move at all. Even in their strange circumstances it felt right.

  Lucius gazed down at the still blindfolded Harry and smiled. He wondered when he had become so attached to his would-be assassin. Even though he had given his word not to bring up Harry’s profession, he had to ask the question that had been tormenting him for days.

  “Harry, would you ever consider giving up your life of crime?”

  Harry raised his hand towards th
e blindfold, but Lucius stopped him. “Leave it, you’re less jumpy when you can’t see me, or rather not see me.”

  “I don’t mean to be,” Harry said. “It’s just odd to only see you in mirrors.”

  “I suppose it must be. Are you going to answer my question?”

  Harry sighed. “I’m not trained to do anything else. If I don’t earn my keep as an assassin, I’ll starve.”

  “You could learn a trade,” Lucius suggested. “An honest one.”

  He didn’t know why he was pushing the issue when it was clear that Harry was perfectly content to continue on his current path. Perhaps it was because he could see the good in the man whose bed he currently shared, and he didn’t want to see his life end on the scaffold.

  While he had promised to pardon him for all his crimes, he had no doubt that without other options, Harry would soon commit more and he would come to a sticky end. That was the last thing Lucius wanted. He had got to know Harry during their journey and he liked him more than anyone else he had ever met.

  “Or I could offer you a position in my kingdom, once I get it back again.”

  Harry snorted. “Doing what?”

  Lucius thought of Prince Aiden and Robert. It was clear that even though Robert was a commoner, he had found a place in the royal household and was respected and happy with his husband. Lucius knew better than to raise with Harry any suggestion of a similar arrangement for the two of them. It was far too soon to think of marriage. Yet the words were out of his mouth before good sense could stop them.

  “We could wed.”

  Lucius didn’t know what he had expected Harry’s reaction to be, especially since he hadn’t thought this through at all. He would have hoped for something better than gales of laughter.

  “I mean after I escape from the mirror world and get my life back in order,” he clarified. “And I’d have to sort out the legalities regarding my other marriage, but I’m sure that can be resolved.”

  Harry continued to chuckle and shake his head. He even took off the blindfold to wipe away his tears of mirth.

  “It wasn’t that funny,” Lucius muttered.