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Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Page 19

  “Two hundred,” Halor repeated. He turned to Logan with a small frown. “That should be enough for the crew of both ships, plus the rest of the people Captain Farraday has woken.”

  “More than enough,” Logan agreed. “We could probably make do with half that number.”

  “This gives us some extras for more people the captain may wish to wake, as well as any rescued people who might not already have one. I suspect it won’t be enough, but we can always come back for more later, if we need to.” He turned back to Zyp. “Now, how much for two hundred devices?”

  “You couldn’t afford them.”

  Kit snickered and Logan covered his mouth to hide his own smile. Apparently Zyp had no idea who he was speaking to.

  Halor took a step closer to Zyp, towering over the smaller alien. “I assure you, I can afford any price you name.”

  “His Highness can,” Kit said.

  “Highness?” Zyp stared at Halor.

  Kit stepped up beside Halor. “This is Prince Halor of the Hawk clan.”

  “Oh, I apologise for any insult I have unintentionally given His Highness.” Zyp began bowing and grovelling.

  Halor sighed and frowned at Kit. “This is why I don’t generally tell people who my family is.”

  “Sorry,” Kit said.

  Halor gave him a quick one-armed hug. “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to it by now.” He turned back to Zyp. “Name your price and it will be paid—half in advance and the rest on delivery to my ship.”

  Zyp could barely contain his glee. They secured the sale and Zyp gave them all instructions on exactly how to implant the devices. Darcy hung back a little, still not comfortable with this new alien species, but the rest of them were quick studies and once Zyp was assured they would manage, they left him to sort out the delivery of the devices to the Royal Dart.

  * * * *

  They spent the rest of the time in the spaceport stocking up on food, fuel, and supplies for the babies.

  Halor concentrated on getting the best deal for fuel. Darcy, with Halor’s help, found food and other essentials for the Jupiter, including refilling the medical supplies. Logan and Kit spent a considerable amount of time in the store for goods for new babies.

  At first Kit seemed nervous about even entering it. Logan suspected he feared being judged and stood at his side, pointedly glaring at anyone who looked at his lover askance.

  The longer they spent there, the more relaxed Kit became. They chose clothing, cribs, and carriers, as well as buying a whole array of other pieces of furniture and equipment that they would need.

  None of the staff seemed to think it odd that Kit, who was quite obviously male, was pregnant.

  “It’s probably more common than you think,” Logan said. “If the figures you gave me are correct, then there must be quite a few of you out there.”

  “There are,” Kit agreed, “but most will be back on my home world. I suppose I had better get used to people staring at me.”

  “No one is staring at you,” Logan whispered, “apart from me, and you know I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

  Kit smiled and blushed a deep shade of scarlet.

  “Come on,” Logan said. “I think I saw some rattles and toys over here.”

  The longer they spent in the store spending obscene amounts of Halor’s money, the more comfortable Kit seemed to become.

  Logan stayed right beside him, almost constantly touching him to help keep him at ease.

  After they left, they found a small eatery where Logan ordered what looked to be some form of salad.

  “Thank you,” Kit said as they sat at the table.

  “What for?”

  “Everything,” Kit replied quietly, “but mainly your patience. If humans are anything like my people, they want to shout it out for everyone to hear when they’re about to become a parent. You’ve kept my secret, as much as you could, from your people on the Jupiter, even though we both know it’ll be impossible to keep it forever. You could have told me to stop being so foolish, but instead, you respected my wishes.”

  “It’s not foolish to be cautious,” Logan said.

  Kit took his hand and squeezed it. “I don’t want to hide what I am any more. When we return to the Jupiter, you can tell everyone about us, about me—if you want to, that is. I know you’re worried about some of your own people being prejudiced.”

  “Are you positive about this?” Logan asked. “Once people are told, they can’t be untold. You’ll be outed as dual-gendered.”

  “And you’ll be outed as someone who has sex with aliens.”

  Logan smiled. “Then you want us to both face our fears?”

  Kit raised his chin and Logan could see the steely determination in his eyes. “I’ve been hiding what I am since the day my mama explained to me what I was. I’ve been ashamed of myself, even to the point of trying to conceal it from both Halor and you. I don’t want to hide any more, and I don’t want our children to, either. They are going to be truly unique, the first of their kind. What sort of example would I be setting if I continued to hide what I am? I want them to be proud of their papa.”

  “They will be,” Logan said, “Just like I’m proud of you.”

  “I want our children to hold their heads high,” Kit continued quietly. “And the best way to teach them how to do that is to lead by example.”

  Logan kissed Kit on the lips and placed his hand over Kit’s rounded belly. His heart swelled with love for the man in his arms. “If you can do this, so can I. As soon as we get back, we stop hiding.”

  * * * *

  When they returned to Halor’s ship, Logan grimaced at the stack of boxes that needed to be loaded.

  “Will it all fit?” Darcy asked.

  “I think so,” Halor replied, “but it’s going to be a tight squeeze. I think perhaps we need to upgrade our vessel.”

  “Seems rather extreme just for the return trip. It’ll only take a couple of weeks if we go at full speed—maybe less, depending on how fast the other ships are moving towards us.”

  “If it was just for that reason, I’d agree,” Halor replied. “However, we’re going to have two additions to the passengers soon, and while the babies will be small, the amount of things we need for them will take up a lot of room.”

  “Sorry,” Kit said. “I guess we got a little carried away in the store. Maybe we should take some of it back.”

  Halor chuckled. “You’ll do no such thing. You only bought what we needed. And I don’t see that you purchased any proper maternity or nursing clothes for yourself.”

  “The maternity clothes were all ugly,” Kit muttered. “I’ll make do with togas.”

  Logan laughed as he recalled Kit’s expression of horror at the pink monstrosity he had found in the store.

  “Well, I still say we’re going to need more room,” Halor said, “which is why I think we should take a quick detour to Hawkri. On a previous visit, my father mentioned a new fleet of ships that had been commissioned. They were to be large, fast, and luxurious. They should be available by now.”

  “Why didn’t you get one before?” Darcy asked.

  Kit smiled at her. “Halor is proud of his cargo ship because he paid for it himself, rather than from the royal coffers. He’s only using the Royal Dart now because his other ship wasn’t fast enough to get to the Neptune in time to stop it from entering the restricted zone.”

  “Some things are worth swallowing your pride for,” Halor said. “And I don’t want the babies living in a cramped cargo ship. If the price of a larger craft is a bit more of my pride, then I’m happy to pay it. What do you say to a detour to my planet to swap ships?”

  “How long is the detour?” Darcy asked.

  “Not long—just a couple of days if we fly straight through at maximum speed without stopping. Logan, are you up to taking a shift at the panel alone?”

  “Yes,” Logan confirmed, his own pride swelling at the trust Halor had in him.

  “Then let�
��s get the ship loaded as quickly as we can and we’ll go straight there.”

  Kit moved to pick up one of the boxes, only to have the other three glare at him.

  “Don’t you dare,” Logan said. “You can supervise, but you’re not lifting anything as heavy as that.”

  Kit obediently stepped aside and let the others do the work.

  In no time at all, they were on their way again.

  Chapter Twelve

  As they approached the landing pad on Halor’s planet, Kit became increasingly worried. What would Halor’s parents say when they learned of his condition? There were none such as Kit on Hawkri, unless he or she had arrived since Kit had last spent any length of time there. There was a fairly high chance they had never even met another like him at all.

  Still, he remembered his resolve to hold his head high. He had nothing to be ashamed of and Halor and Logan would be right there with him.

  At nearly three months gone and halfway through a feline pregnancy, it was unlikely he could hide his condition for long. The toga might cover his breasts and bump, but the garment itself would raise questions amongst those who knew he normally wore only a kilt. A close look at him would soon reveal the truth.

  What would Halor’s family say when they found out he was not only pregnant, but their son also wasn’t the father of the babies? Kit didn’t want to lie to them, and even if he did want to consider such a course, the truth would be discovered as soon as the babies were born.

  Although members of the avian clans took many into their nests, it was usually the case that the highest-ranking person in the group was pleasured and sought pleasure from each of the others, but the rest were rarely permitted to have sexual relations amongst themselves.

  The queen had made it clear on their last visit that she believed Logan was Halor’s second addition to his nest, with Kit being the first. It was expected that Halor would have sex with both of them, but it would never have occurred to her that Kit and Logan might share their bodies, too. Though she might accept Kit seeking sustenance from Logan, maybe even claiming him by marking his body with his seed, carrying his babies was another matter entirely.

  “Kit, are you all right?” Logan’s voice distracted him from his troubling thoughts.

  “He’s worried about what my parents will say when they see him,” Halor said, once again anticipating Kit’s concerns in a way that only he could.

  “They’re going to be angry that the babies aren’t Halor’s,” Kit explained. “Nests have a strict hierarchy and it would be expected that any child conceived within the nest would be fathered by the highest-ranking member—in this case, Halor.”

  Halor snorted with obvious derision. “It’s a load of nonsense. I’ve always thought so. We three are equals in our relationship—or nest, if you want to call it that. I find as much fulfilment from watching the two of you together as I do from being with you myself. And when they are born, your children will be loved by me as much as if they were my own blood. And one day, when the time is right, you and I will have our own babies as well, and Logan will love our children just the same as his own.”

  “I know,” Kit said. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you mother is going to be furious, and I doubt your father will be happy about it, either.”

  Logan pointed out the window. “We’ll soon find out. It appears they’re both here as part of the welcoming committee.”

  Kit sighed and straightened his toga. The material felt itchy against his breasts but he didn’t have any other options. Even with his newfound resolve not to hide what he was, he couldn’t wear his kilts, having grown too large. They had been a day out from the spaceport when he’d discovered he couldn’t do up his largest kilt. He supposed he should have purchased some while they were at the port, but since he had been wearing togas, it hadn’t occurred to him to see if his kilts still fit.

  “How is it they always know when you’re arriving?” Logan asked.

  “Our defence grid will have notified the royal household of my arrival as soon as we flew through it. Hawks always try to greet their returning young.”

  “So, I guess we can’t just run to the other craft and take off again?”

  “Sorry. I’m afraid not. It’ll take a while to transfer everything to the new ship, anyway.”

  “What are you going to name the new craft?” Kit asked.

  “Kitty Carrier II?” Logan suggested.

  Kit stuck out his tongue. “How about Human Carrier?”

  “Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it,” Halor said.

  “We should probably be deciding on some other names soon, too,” Logan commented as he returned to Kit’s side and placed his hand on his bump.

  “We’ve plenty of time yet,” Kit said. “I’m only about halfway through the pregnancy, and that’s if I give birth on the feline timescales.”

  “Looking at their development, I think six months is more likely than nine,” Darcy said. “You’re lucky you get a shorter pregnancy than I would.”

  “The time will fly,” Halor warned Kit. “Now, come on. We’d better go greet my parents.”

  Kit took Halor’s arm and let him guide him down the ramp. Behind him, Logan and Darcy descended, arm in arm, as well.

  “Your mother will think you’ve invited a woman to join your nest,” Kit whispered.

  “Highly unlikely,” Halor replied. “The resemblance between them should make it obvious they’re siblings.”

  Kit supposed he was right, but there was no time to speak further.

  “Mother, Father,” Halor said as he bowed deeply, his arms spread wide. “Thank you for coming to greet us. Kit and Logan you’ve already met. This is Darcy, Logan’s sister, who is currently travelling with us.”

  Queen Valencia and King Lorcan nodded and smiled at Darcy, who gave a small curtsy in response. The queen then turned her attention to her son. “I trust you’ll be staying a little longer this time.”

  “I’m afraid not. I’m dropping off the Dart and would like to speak to father about the new fleet that was being commissioned. Are any of them flight-ready yet?”

  “Yes, of course,” Lorcan said. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask to see one when you last visited, though you did leave rather suddenly.”

  Kit could hear the chiding in his tone.

  “I’m sorry, Father, but Logan’s people were in grave danger. Some of them still are, which is why we can’t stay for long this time, either.”

  King Lorcan gave a squawk of annoyance but didn’t press them further.

  The king and queen greeted Kit and the others cordially, but neither of them said anything about his condition. Had they not noticed or were they waiting for them to say something?

  Halor, seeming to sense his unease, decided to get it over with. “Shall we head to the palace? As you can see, Kit is with child and I don’t want him to tire himself too much.”

  The queen smiled and stepped aside to let them pass. “You never mentioned that Kit was a dual-gender feline.”

  “I didn’t think it was anyone’s business but ours,” Halor said. “Though, there’s no hiding it any longer.”

  “You are quite right, of course, but you should know that you can always confide in us. I must admit, I’m looking forward to becoming a grandmother again.”

  Kit stumbled and only Halor’s strong arm kept him from falling flat on his face.

  “Mother, don’t get carried away,” Halor warned. “Kit carries Logan’s babes, not mine.”

  It was the queen’s turn to trip, and Lorcan who helped to steady her.

  The entire party came to a halt and Kit kept close to Halor, seeking security. He sensed Logan behind him as well and felt reassured by the presence of the father of the babies he carried. Logan and Halor would protect him if things turned nasty.

  Part of Kit knew he was just being overly dramatic. The king and queen were highly unlikely to attack him for what had happened. The days when Hawks and Felines waged war on each o
ther were long gone. Their races had lived in peace for generations. Still, there was always that lingering fear, the instinct to flee in the face of what used to be a feline’s natural enemy.

  “Did you say that the human is the father?” the queen asked.

  “That’s right,” Halor replied easily. “We’re all delighted.”

  “Delighted?” Queen Valencia nearly choked on the word.

  Halor smiled and wrapped his arm around Kit’s shoulders. “We’re looking forward to the new additions to our family.”

  “Are you indeed?” the queen said. “Let’s hope that humans are more like avians than felines. Perhaps the human and I should have a little talk later about how his species raises their young.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Mother,” Halor replied. “The three of us intend to raise all our children together. And his name is Logan, not ‘the human’.”

  The queen turned her icy glare on Kit. “We all know that felines turn their young out on their own as soon as they’re of age. If humans are similarly inclined to abandon their offspring to the fates, you’ll be left raising their spawn.”

  Kit hissed and snarled at the insult to his people.

  “It’s okay,” Logan said. “I know you’d never do such a thing.”

  Kit hung his head. “Her Majesty has a point regarding my people. The young do leave home at a far younger age than any other species. I haven’t seen my own parents since I began travelling with Halor, and before then, I only saw my mama a handful of times after I matured.” Kit’s voice wavered and he couldn’t hide his distress.

  “Hush, hush,” whispered Halor as they headed to the craft that would take them to the palace.

  Kit hadn’t even realised he was whimpering. The last thing he wanted was the nauseating flight to the palace, but he didn’t have a choice, unless he planned on staying on the ship. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. He still needed to feed and it would shame Halor if Kit refused to join him.

  He tried to distract himself on the journey by thinking of anything except where they were. He curled into Halor, just as he had done on all other flights across the water, save the last one. He felt a hand on his shoulder and knew that Logan, seated behind them, was offering him comfort, too.