Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Read online

Page 18

  Logan grinned back at her. “It’s not as if I like the idea of you walking in on us, either.”

  Kit appeared in the doorway, a sleepy smile on his face. “Haven’t we left yet?”

  “Just about to,” Halor said. “Come take a seat. It’s going to be a little bumpy while we disengage from the Jupiter.”

  Kit made himself comfortable in the second passenger seat and Darcy took his hand. “I’m a little nervous,” she said.

  Kit gave her a smile that warmed Logan’s heart. “Me, too,” he whispered loudly, even though she couldn’t understand what he said.

  Logan flicked a switch on the control panel and opened the communication line to the flight deck of the Jupiter. “Permission to depart, Captain.”

  “Permission granted,” Captain Farraday replied, his voice slightly crackly through the system.

  Logan was thoroughly impressed with Halor’s work in getting two such different computer systems to work with each other. He was pretty sure no human could have managed such a feat. It only worked while they were within the short-range radar of the Jupiter but it was something.

  Now that they had the go-ahead, Halor started up the engine and slowly steered them back into open space. As soon as they were clear of the Jupiter, Halor turned up the speed and they began the next stage of their journey.

  * * * *

  A whole week passed before the first instance of Darcy seeing more than she might have wanted.

  Halor and Kit were on the flight deck while Logan was showing Darcy the workings of the washing machine. Unlike the machines back on Earth, this one was flat and didn’t involve anything resembling water.

  “You place the fabric flat,” Logan explained, “then lower the lid and press this button.”

  “It would help if the buttons had labels,” Darcy said. “They all look the same to me.”

  “You think the washing machine is hard, wait until you try figuring out the computer. I’m still struggling with it. The pictures and images don’t always mean what you think they should, either.”

  “Do you think Halor would mind if I wrote ‘On’ on the button?”

  “I doubt it, but I’ll go check with him. Do you have a pen?”

  “Yes, in my room. I’ll go get it while you ask.”

  Darcy went to track down a pen in the guard’s bedchamber she had commandeered as her own.

  Logan climbed up the hatch to the flight deck where he found Kit kneeling before Halor, sucking him intently. Logan watched them for nearly a minute, reluctant to intrude on such an intimate moment.

  “Hey,” Halor said when he spotted him. “You finished already?”

  “No. Darcy is having trouble remembering which button is which. I must admit I’m not entirely sure myself. Would you mind if we wrote some Earth symbols on some of them so we can tell them apart?”

  “Sure, go ahead, if it helps. This ship is your home now.”


  Logan turned to leave and nearly tripped over Darcy, who was clambering up the ladder, clearly having wondered what was keeping him.

  “Oh.” Darcy stared at Halor and Kit, her mouth hanging open in surprise and her face turning fuchsia.

  “Halor says yes,” Logan said. “Come on. Let’s head back to the laundry.”

  Darcy didn’t move, continuing to stare until Logan nudged her with his foot. Finally, she dropped back down so that Logan could follow her.

  Neither said a word until they were back in the laundry room. “Logan, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “When Kit feeds from you, is it always like it was just now?”

  “He sucks cock, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “No, I know that. I meant is it always so…”

  “So what?”

  “I don’t know how to describe it,” Darcy said. “When you told me how he fed, I thought I understood, but then seeing them together, they seemed so peaceful and content. It didn’t seem sexual. It was something else.”

  “Yes, it is.” Logan smiled as he recalled the feeling that Kit always invoked in him each time he took him into his mouth. It was sexual, but it was something else, too. When Kit fed from him, he took more than his seed. He had stolen Logan’s heart, as well. What Darcy had seen on the flight deck was the embodiment of love.

  They worked quietly together, Logan lost in his thoughts and Darcy apparently likewise.

  By the time they were done and Logan returned to his flying lessons with Halor, Kit had retired to bed once more.

  “I hope Darcy wasn’t offended,” Halor said. “Kit was hungry and we have to have someone at the controls now that we’re entering one of the busier areas of space. It seemed a bit of a waste of time to find somewhere to park, just for the sake of a few minutes.”

  “She’s fine,” Logan said. “It was bound to happen sooner or later on a ship this size.”

  “If I’d had any idea you’d return from the laundry room so soon…”

  Logan gave him a reassuring pat on the thigh. “It’s okay.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “Yes. She’s walked in on me making out with guys plenty of times back on Earth. She never did learn to knock and wait to be invited into my flat. Kit isn’t worried as well, is he?”

  “Maybe a little,” Halor admitted.

  “I’ll go have a word with him if you can hold the fort here for a few minutes?” Logan offered.

  Halor nodded. “I have no idea what a fort has to do with the craft, but if you could go and set his mind at ease, I would be grateful.”

  Logan headed back down the hatch and through to the bedchamber. “Hey, Kit, are you asleep?”

  Kit glanced over his shoulder. “No, what is it? I thought you were doing laundry?”

  Logan sat on the edge of the bed. “We’re done. I wanted to have a quick word about what happened on deck.”

  Kit cringed. “I’m sorry, but I was hungry, and we thought you’d be on the lower deck longer.”

  Logan stretched out on the bed and wrapped himself around Kit, burying his face in the soft fur at the nape of his neck. “Hush. It’s fine. Darcy didn’t mind. Truthfully, I think as long as it’s not her brother’s cock she’s seeing, she won’t care if she sees you feeding.”

  “But I like feeding from you, too.”

  “I know, and I like it as well, very much. We’ll just continue to make sure we use the bedroom.”

  Kit rolled over so they were face to face. “Is Halor expecting you back right away?”


  As soon as they had left the Jupiter, Kit had convinced Logan of the benefits of wearing the kilt full time, as opposed to the flight suit. It hadn’t taken much persuasion and now, with Kit’s fingers sliding beneath the fabric, the main benefit was abundantly evident.

  “You can’t still be hungry?” Logan teased.

  “No, I’m not,” Kit replied. “But I am greedy.”

  Logan chuckled as Kit scooted down the bed, swept his kilt aside, and took him into his mouth. “Greedy indeed.”

  “Logan, have you still got my pen?” Darcy appeared in the open doorway a moment later. “Damn it, Logan, at least close the door.”

  Kit leapt back. “I’m so sorry, Darcy. It’s my fault. Logan, tell her I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Logan told him.

  Darcy laughed and closed the door on them. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well, you heard her,” Logan said. “Don’t worry about it. Now, I thought you were peckish?”

  “I am,” Kit replied before resuming his former position.

  Afterwards, when Kit finally seemed to be full, Logan held him in his arms.

  “I’m so tired,” Kit said. “Can you stay with me until I fall to sleep?”

  “Of course. Rest now.”

  Logan didn’t mean to fall asleep as well, but the next thing he knew the bed was dipping as Halor slid in on Kit’s other side.
/>   “Sorry. Did I wake you?” Halor whispered.

  “Apparently,” Logan said. “I guess I missed my flying lesson. I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be learning so I can take some of the burden off you.”

  Halor snuggled close. “We’re parked in a safe orbit for the night. We’ll pick up the lessons tomorrow.”

  “If I hadn’t fallen asleep, we could still be travelling now.”

  “No, we couldn’t,” Halor replied. “I wouldn’t leave you to navigate a full shift on your own after training all day. We’d still be resting now, regardless.”

  “I guess.”

  “Stop worrying,” Halor said. “As I’ve told you before, Kit sleeps a lot, and I suspect it’ll only increase as the pregnancy progresses. I’ve been reading up on this, and all the experts say that felines in the late stages of pregnancy need a lot more rest, and they aren’t the most active species anyway. Of course, you don’t want to disturb him when he’s sleeping. I often find myself with the same difficulties.”

  “Still, I feel like I’m letting you down.”

  Kit rolled over in his sleep, snuggling up to Halor with a contented sigh that soon turned into his customary snores.

  “You’re taking care of our Kit,” Halor said. “When you’re doing that, you’re never letting me down.”

  Logan nodded and leaned up over Kit, planting a soft kiss on Halor’s cheek. “You need to look after yourself, too. You work harder than me and Kit combined.”

  Halor slid out of Kit’s embrace, and when the feline inched across the bed, searching for the lost warmth, Halor gestured for Logan to move into Kit’s place so he could climb in on his other side.

  Without saying a word, he reached down and took Logan’s cock in hand. With a few strokes, he was hard and aching. Halor pressed against him, his own hardness nudging against Logan.

  “You do take care of me,” Halor said as he rubbed up against Logan with a firmness that made it clear what he needed.

  Logan shifted onto his back and opened his legs for Halor to settle between them. “There’s lube in the drawer,” he said, not that Halor needed any direction in that regard by this point. They were running through their supply at a rather rapid rate.

  Kit rolled over and Logan realised they must have woken him with either their movements or their talking. The feline didn’t seem bothered. Instead, he licked his lips as he gazed at them sleepily.

  Logan pushed against Halor’s hand as Halor fingered him, readying him for his cock. With Kit awake, he felt no need to keep his moans subdued. Darcy might be down the hall, but Halor had found her a noise-reducing headset after their second night on board. As such, Logan cried out encouragement as Halor prepared him.

  “Eager, isn’t he?” Kit said.

  “Oh yes,” Halor replied. “He’s so responsive. Such a delight. How did we ever live without him in our nest?”

  Kit purred happily as he licked at Logan’s chest before sucking at one of his nipples.

  Logan closed his eyes and concentrated on what his lovers were doing to his body. Only when Halor’s stiff tongue entered him did he open his eyes again. He gasped, digging his fingers into the mattress.

  Kit gave him a satisfied smirk as he sat back on his heels and took his cock in hand. “What do you want, Logan?”

  “More,” Logan moaned. “I want more.”

  Halor’s deep chuckle sent ripples of desire through Logan’s body.

  “Do you want a cock in your mouth or your arse?” Kit asked.

  Logan grinned at him and licked his lips deliberately. “Why can’t I have both?”

  “Good answer,” Kit said, and he moved to straddle Logan’s chest.

  From this angle, Kit’s condition was even more obvious. Logan released his grip on the sheets and placed his hands on Kit’s hips. He stroked the soft flesh and lightly traced the roundness of his bump.

  Kit smiled down at him. “I’m starting to feel them moving now. I love that I can carry a part of you with me, even if it’s only for a short time.”

  Logan raised one hand and placed it over Kit’s breast, softer and rounder than it had once been but still Kit. “You always carry a part of me, right here.”

  Kit sniffled and mumbled something that sounded like “stupid female hormones.”

  Logan laughed and brought his hand lower, this time homing in on Kit’s long, thin cock, hard and ready for his mouth. “Come here.”

  Between his legs, he could feel Halor’s feathers tickling his thighs as he withdrew his head. He barely managed to resist the urge to laugh as they brushed against his sensitive skin.

  “Ready?” Halor asked.

  “I’ve been ready forever,” Logan replied.

  “I hope so,” Halor said as he entered him with one swift thrust of his slick cock.

  Logan tensed for a moment before he forced his muscles to relax and accept the thick hardness inside him. As the pain turned to pleasure, he pushed back as Halor slowly rocked against him.

  Above him, Kit rocked in the same rhythm, slowly inching closer, until finally Logan could reach the tip of his cock with his tongue. He licked at the pearly seed on the end, and that seemed to be Kit’s cue to feed him his length. Logan took him into his mouth willingly, sucking him and coaxing him ever nearer.

  The three of them rocked together, the only sounds the soft moans they each made as they drew out their pleasure.

  Kit spilled into Logan’s mouth and he drank down every drop, feeling a sense of intoxication that had nothing to do with Kit’s cream and everything to do with the two men who had claimed him so thoroughly.

  The heat of Halor’s release sent waves of pleasure through him. Logan clenched around Halor’s cock, silently begging him to stay buried within him a little longer. His own cock ached and he couldn’t recall ever feeling so desperate to come.

  Kit, thoroughly spent, withdrew and glanced back over his shoulder. He winked at Logan. “I seem to have worked up quite an appetite.”

  Logan gave a small chuckle and patted him on the arse. “Well, you know where the kitchen is.”

  “I do, indeed,” Kit replied. He moved around and took Logan’s cock in his mouth. The wet heat had barely covered the tip before Logan climaxed, crying out his pleasure.

  Somewhere, in the middle of his orgasm, he was dimly aware of Halor coming a second time, their cries of pleasure echoing each other, while Kit purred happily as he continued to milk every last drop Logan had to give.

  Afterwards, as they lay together, their bodies entwined, Logan felt as though something had changed between them, though he couldn’t say what. Still, it felt right, so he didn’t let it trouble him.

  * * * *

  Even though Logan had warned Darcy about Zyp, she still nearly jumped out of her skin when they entered his shop.

  “I can manage without a translator,” she whispered as he steered her over to the counter.

  “No, you can’t. Just try not to scream. You might insult him.”

  Darcy sighed but didn’t argue any further.

  “Another human?” Zyp said. “Another guest?”

  “Yes,” Halor said. “We require your services for another translator device, then I would like to discuss the possibility of buying more devices—a bulk load—and your assistance in showing us how to implant them. We’re also after some information from you.”

  “What sort of information?”

  “The sort only you can provide. Now, if you could fit the lady’s device, please.”

  Zyp gave them a suspicious look but gathered what he needed to fit Darcy with the translator.

  “Can you understand me now?” Halor asked her.

  “Yes. Wow, it really works.”

  “Of course it works,” Zyp said. “You won’t get any faulty rubbish here.”

  “I can understand him, too.”

  “Is she a little slow?” Zyp asked.

  Darcy glared at him.

  “Darcy,” Logan warned, resting his hand on her arm. �
��Why don’t you come and say hello properly to Kit?”

  “Hello,” Kit said with a smile. “Thank you for everything you’re doing for me.”

  Darcy hugged him and kissed his cheek. “You’re welcome, darling. Thank you for making my brother so happy. You wouldn’t believe some of the losers he’s dated before.”

  “Darcy!” Logan was already regretting allowing her to have the implant, and they hadn’t even left the store.

  “What?” Darcy replied. “You have to admit that you don’t have a great track record with men.”

  “Maybe not, but Kit and Halor don’t need to hear about my past.”

  “I think I’d like to,” Kit said with a grin. “Darcy can tell us all the stories that you won’t.”

  Logan pointed a finger at his sister’s nose. “Don’t make me regret waking you up from cryo.”

  “Spoilsport,” Darcy said, before leaning in to whisper loudly in Kit’s ear. “I’ll tell you all the gory details about Logan’s love life later.”

  Logan ignored her and turned back to Zyp, who was shaking his head at Halor.

  “What is it?” Logan asked.

  “Zyp says he doesn’t keep records of sales,” Halor replied.

  “Why would I keep notes of everyone who comes through my door?” Zyp asked.

  “He has a point,” Logan said.

  “See? Even he believes me.”

  Halor nodded. “I believe you don’t keep records. I don’t believe you have no recollection of the humans who have been brought to you or who they were with. Even the species would be a start.”

  “You can probably guess the species,” Zyp said. “There aren’t many in the slave trade these days.”

  Halor continued to press Zyp, who, in the face of relentless pestering, finally admitted that he might recall a few of the other humans who had passed through his doors in recent months. Most had apparently been acquired by various species who had evolved from insects, though Zyp assured them that his own kind had stopped owning slaves some time ago.

  “Excellent,” Halor said when they had at least got several leads to make enquiries of. “Now, how much for us to acquire two hundred translation devices?”

  “How many?”