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Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Page 16

  Farraday continued to bring up chart after chart until finally he stopped when more than a dozen were on display in the room.

  “These are our new neighbours and everyone on board this ship is going to treat them with respect.”

  “New Earth is still hundreds of years’ journey away,” Collins argued. “There are no inhabited planets in the system we’re travelling to.”

  “No, but who says we have to continue on to New Earth at all? Planets in this solar system were scanned by our exploration shuttles. They were shown to have life and discounted as potential planets to settle on for that reason. We didn’t want to risk landing on a world with potentially hostile inhabitants. Setting up a new colony is hard enough without such additional problems. However, it is clear that those living on some of these worlds are welcoming to strangers, and I see no reason not to consider the possibility of settling on a world with allies who might help us establish our colony.”

  Farraday pulled up the star map again, this time extending it to show New Earth, far away across the vastness of space.

  “The maps show our destination, here, right on the edge of the charted area. New Earth is not on the shipping routes and is isolated from the rest of the inhabited worlds. Even with the fastest ships of our allies, it would take decades to reach the planet. I believe we would be better off establishing our colony on another world, one in this solar system.”

  “Where there are creatures who own slaves?” Collins asked. “I say we stick to our original plan and get as far away from here as possible.”

  “There are only a handful of races amongst the dozens in the system who own slaves, and the others are doing as much as they can to eradicate the vile practice. We would add our voices to theirs and give strength to their arguments with those who have not yet seen the light.”

  Logan hadn’t thought of the whole mission being scrapped and the objectives re-written, but he liked the idea. Darcy would remain close and he could keep his old family as well as his new one.

  * * * *

  Kit sat on the high table as Darcy set up the scanning device again. Halor stood beside him and appeared almost as excited as Kit to see how the babies had grown in the last month.

  Kit knew they had grown because his belly was starting to show. It might not be obvious to the casual observer, but he had noticed and so had Halor and Logan, who were very familiar with every part of his body.

  Halor placed his hand over Kit’s belly now as they waited for Darcy to begin. Kit smiled and shivered, the touch of his lover causing an instant reaction.

  Kit purred happily before he remembered where they were and that it wasn’t appropriate to take himself in hand right now.

  He was glad he hadn’t told the others about his worry that he wouldn’t be able to experience an erection once the female hormones were running rampant through his body. He was thankful that wasn’t the case, even if his cock did insist on reacting to every little touch. His entire body felt sensitive and the smallest stroke on his flesh had his blood rushing south. He moved Halor’s hand from his stomach and sighed.

  “Sorry,” Halor said. “We’ll be back on our ship soon and I’ll take care of that for you.”

  “I can’t wait,” Kit replied. “Now I just need to get it under control so Darcy doesn’t notice it.”

  “Not much hope of that,” Halor teased with a pointed glance at the tent Kit’s erection was forming under his toga.

  “I’m glad she can’t understand us right now,” Kit said, “then she’d notice for sure. I think she’s too distracted with the equipment at the moment.”

  Darcy was indeed busy with the scanner, once again bringing up the 3D live projection of the twins.

  Kit peered at the image, trying not to move too much as every time he leaned forward, the hologram jolted and shimmered out of focus.

  “They’re definitely developing faster than human babies,” Darcy commented. “If you look here, you can see the ears of this baby have formed—they’re quite cat-like—and I can see both of the babies are male. In human babies, this wouldn’t be known until about four months.”

  “Two boys,” said Halor, causing Darcy to jump at what he knew must be nothing more than a loud squawk to her ears. “You’ll have to start thinking of some names.”

  “We’ll have to,” Kit amended. “All of us.”

  Halor gave Kit’s hand a squeeze and turned his attention back to the holo-scan. “The other baby’s ears are more like Logan’s.” He pointed at the ear in question so Darcy might see, even if she couldn’t understand him.

  “Human ears,” Darcy said. “I guess this means your twins aren’t going to be identical. Let’s just hope these ears don’t stick out as much as Logan’s do.”

  Kit and Halor laughed, a sound that required no translation.

  “Would you like a recording of the scan?” Darcy asked. “I’ve been reading up on the equipment since the last one and apparently we can take a recording of up to one minute.”

  Kit nodded eagerly, sure that Logan would want to see it, too.

  Darcy took the recording and transferred it to Halor’s ship computer for them to show Logan later.

  Kit stared at the holo-scan, noting every tiny detail of his babies, from the differences in ears to the shapes of their eyes. It was hard to tell from the scan, but he thought perhaps the baby with human ears might have feline eyes, and the one with feline ears, human eyes. He found he quite liked the idea of both babies having traits from each of their parents.

  “These two little guys are going to be quite unique,” Darcy commented.

  “Yes, they are,” Halor said as he took Kit’s hand and pressed a kiss into his palm.

  “Darcy, have you seen Doctor Marshall?”

  Kit and Halor jumped as Doctor Fredericks burst into the examination room.

  Darcy dropped her stylus and moved to block the view of the holo-scan from the medic.

  Doctor Frederick craned her neck to see around Darcy. “What’s going on here?”

  Kit had only met Doctor Fredericks once, but he had liked her. He leaned over to tap Darcy on the arm. When she turned to him, he nodded and smiled.

  “Are you sure?” Darcy whispered.

  Kit nodded. It wasn’t like they had much choice.

  Darcy shrugged and stepped aside. “Shut the door, would you, Helen?”

  Helen Fredericks closed the door and approached the three of them. She stared at the holo-scan with wide eyes. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Probably,” Darcy replied with a smile. “Logan has asked me to monitor Kit during his pregnancy.”

  Helen studied the scan closely. “Twins, obviously, and I’m guessing hybrids, but with what other species? Those ears don’t seem feline, but they’re more pronounced that Halor’s. I’m guessing your brother is the one who ‘did the deed’ here.”

  Darcy smothered a smile. “How did you guess?”

  Helen laughed. “It wasn’t so difficult. I saw the three of them together when they came on board the Neptune the first time.”

  “Of course. I forgot you were one of the few woken then. It’s Kit’s first pregnancy and there have obviously never been feline-human crossbreeds before. This is the second scan we’ve done and it’s clear that the pregnancy is progressing much faster than a human’s.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Darcy nodded. “Yes. You can see from the holo-scan that the foetuses have developed to what, for humans, would be in the region of four months. However, they are certain of the date of conception, which puts the actual time at nine weeks. Felines apparently carry for six months. We don’t know yet how long Kit is going to carry for, but looking at the scan here, I’d say he won’t go the full nine months and is likely to go into labour closer to six.”

  Helen patted Kit’s arm. “How are you feeling?”

  Kit smiled and shrugged. It wasn’t like either of the women could understand anything he said anyway.

  Helen turne
d back to Darcy. “Have you run the usual tests?”

  “Yes, but the results are a bit of a mixed bag. Some appear perfectly normal, while others are just bizarre. But then I remind myself that Kit is an entirely different species and he’s carrying hybrid babies.”

  “What about his diet?” Helen asked. “Have you spoken to him about supplements?”

  Darcy snorted. “All Logan said is that he lives on cream.”

  “Well that won’t get him all the nutrients he needs.”

  “That’s what I thought, but he seems healthy enough. Who’s to say what the digestive system of Kit’s species needs?”

  Darcy smiled at Kit. “I have a feeling what Kit calls cream and what we call cream might be two entirely different things.”

  Kit blushed and ducked his head.

  “Hmm.” Helen stared at Kit and Halor. “I do wish we had those translators so they could explain.”

  “Me, too,” Darcy agreed.

  Both medics stared at Kit expectantly, but Kit had no intention of giving them a demonstration of his feeding. He suspected that without an explanation, they wouldn’t understand and would simply think he and Halor were horny. They were, but that wouldn’t shed any light on his diet.

  Halor helped Kit down from his perch and Kit gave Darcy a hug, rubbing his head against hers in a brief show of affection.

  “He is adorable, isn’t he?” Darcy said to Helen.

  “Yes, he is,” Helen agreed, as Kit gave her a quick squeeze, too.

  Halor chuckled. “You seem to be gathering quite a following amongst humans. They seem to have some kind of odd affinity for felines. I wonder why they don’t like avians as much.”

  Kit gave Halor a lopsided smile. “Logan likes you.”

  “Yes, I know. I’m not complaining or jealous—just wondering.” Halor wrapped his arm around Kit’s waist and they left the two medics to continue their discussions regarding Kit’s anatomy, pregnancy, and the hybrids he carried.

  Back at the Royal Dart, Kit shed his toga, relieved to get rid of the annoying garment. He stood in front of the mirror, twisting from one side to the other.

  “What are you doing?” Halor asked.

  Kit placed his hand over his stomach. “I’m definitely starting to show now.”

  Halor wound his arms around Kit’s waist and met his eyes in the mirror. “Yes, you are. Soon you’ll be as big as the ship itself. You won’t be able to get through the doors.”

  Kit elbowed him sharply in the ribs. “I’ll tell Logan you’re being mean to me.”

  “He’ll agree with me,” Halor teased. He rubbed his hand over Kit’s belly, stroking the small mound. “It’s not really obvious that you’re pregnant yet. At first glance it just looks like you’ve put on a few pounds.”

  Kit glared at Halor’s reflection. “I’m not getting fat.”

  Halor laughed and nuzzled Kit’s neck. “You know what I meant.”

  The stirring in Kit’s groin distracted him from his fake annoyance. His cock was still in perfect working order. “You said you’d take care of this for me,” Kit reminded him.

  “So I did,” Halor replied. “What’s your preference? My hand, my mouth, or my arse?”

  Kit squirmed out of Halor’s embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m too tired to take you, so your hand or mouth would probably be best. I’ll leave the choice to you.”

  Halor grabbed something from the nearby drawer then knelt before him, eased his knees apart, and scooted forward.

  Kit closed his eyes as Halor took him into his mouth, his lips gliding over Kit’s length and sending ripples of pleasure through his whole body.

  He bucked up as Halor sucked him, straining towards his climax.

  When Halor inserted a finger into his vagina, Kit moaned and squirmed. He was torn between bearing down on the finger and bucking up into the mouth.

  “Halor, please.”

  Kit didn’t know what he wanted or needed right now. All he could do was feel and hope that Halor brought him to release soon.

  The world around him began to spin and he fell back onto the mattress. “More!”

  Halor sucked harder and inserted a second finger.

  “Yes,” Kit cried.

  Then he felt a finger at his other entrance. His first instinct was to retreat, but he held himself in place. He could feel the coldness of the lube Logan had brought on board from the Jupiter. Kit had used some when taking both Halor and Logan and had been delighted at the new invention that worked so much better than the rare oils they had occasionally used before. Kit had been so impressed that he had quietly confided that he might one day try to take one of them anally again.

  His lovers had assured him there was no rush and neither of them would press him to do more than he felt comfortable with.

  In the meantime, Halor and Logan took turns in allowing the other to penetrate him, each finding equal pleasure.

  Kit could see how much his lovers enjoyed what they did together, and a small part of him yearned to experience that same pleasure.

  He leaned up on his elbows and stared down at Halor. His lover still had his mouth wrapped around Kit’s cock, but there was a question in his eyes as he stared back at him.

  Kit could still feel the fingers of Halor’s right hand moving and stroking within him, even as the single digit of his left hand gently touched his arse, circling the ring of muscle, asking for entrance but not going any farther without Kit’s permission.

  Halor licked at the underside of Kit’s cock and Kit moaned again. When he felt a third finger slide easily in to join the first two, he pushed down on them eagerly. Yet still, that single digit at his arse teased him with the promise of something more.

  “Just one finger,” whispered Kit, his decision made. He trusted Halor to stop the moment he asked, if he couldn’t handle it.

  Halor’s throat squeezed Kit’s cock as he swallowed him down to the root.

  Kit howled as he climaxed. Halor’s fingers inside him continued to stroke him and he felt the wave of pleasure crash over him again. He was still bathed in the after-effects of his second orgasm when Halor’s finger pressed into his arse.

  With a whimper of need, Kit took a deep breath and concentrated on the various feelings Halor evoked within him—his cock, surrounded by damp heat, still half hard in Halor’s mouth; his female parts, tingling and quivering around Halor’s fingers; and most of all, the strange sensation of the intrusion in his arse.

  Halor released his cock with a wet slurp. “Is this okay?”

  Kit nodded. “Yeah, I think so. Just, no more, okay?”

  Halor moved his finger a little and Kit moaned again.

  “Good?” Halor asked.

  “Yes.” Kit wriggled a little and Halor crooked his finger, finding the spot that Kit knew was there and had found in Halor many times but never within himself.

  Halor rubbed his finger over the bundle of nerves and Kit mewled his pleasure. “That’s it, baby. Let me know you’re enjoying this.”

  Kit arched his back and cried out.

  “Louder, Kit. Let me know I’m giving you pleasure. Let me hear that you like what I’m doing to you.”

  Kit yowled in response and his cock rose to full hardness again.

  Halor removed the fingers from his vagina, leaving only the single digit in his arse. “Still good?”

  Kit moaned with desire as Halor continued to pleasure him. His cock ached and Kit knew a single stroke would be enough to send him soaring, yet he didn’t touch himself. He wanted, just once, to climax from having his arse penetrated. He still balked at the thought of a cock pushing inside him, but Halor’s finger was good—better than good, in fact. Kit was close to the brink, each stroke of his prostate bringing him nearer. Then, with one final nudge, Halor pushed him over the edge and Kit came again, spilling his cream across his stomach in thick spurts.

  Halor gently removed his finger and leaned in to lick at Kit’s stomach, lapping up the cream in between plant
ing kisses on Kit’s bump.

  Finally, they lay together, Kit sated and sleepy and Halor appearing rather pleased with himself.

  “What are you smiling about?” Kit asked. “You didn’t even spill.”

  “I’m smiling because I’m happy that I gave you pleasure.”

  “But I didn’t do the same for you,” Kit pointed out.

  “You will. I’m sure that as soon as you’ve had a quick nap, you’ll be hungry again.”

  “I guess.”

  “So, sleep now, and when you wake, I’ll be ready for you.”

  “It looks to me like you’re ready now.”

  Halor chuckled. “I always am, Kit. Whenever you’re near me, I’m ready.”

  * * * *

  The two captains had argued for the best part of the morning and Logan could tell from the bored faces around the room that he wasn’t the only one tired of the meeting.

  The only thing they seemed to agree on was that Halor should provide the crew with translation devices, though Collins only seemed to want to be able to interrogate their allies without the need for Logan translating. The captain’s contempt for Logan was clear from every sneer and glare he sent in his direction.

  Captain Farraday nodded to Logan. “If you could ask Halor to leave as soon as his ship is ready, I’d be grateful. The sooner we’re all equipped, the better.”

  “I believe the Royal Dart is good to go as soon as the system checks are complete,” Logan replied. “They should be done any time now. I’ll check with Halor as to how long the journey will take and we can be on our way within an hour.”

  “We?” Captain Farraday asked.

  Logan frowned. “Halor, Kit, and myself.”

  “I’ve no problem with Kit leaving with Halor,” the captain said. “However, you’re needed here.”

  Logan’s stomach flipped and he belatedly recalled that in the absence of his own captain, Farraday was his superior officer and he could order him to stay here. “I need to go with Halor and Kit,” Logan said. “I would request your permission to do so.”

  Logan couldn’t be parted from Kit during the pregnancy. Kit needed him near. They had already discussed this, and Logan cursed that he hadn’t taken into account that the captain’s orders might contradict his own wishes.