Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Read online

Page 14

  Darcy shook her head. “The holo-scan and the other tests should tell us everything, but Kit is unusual. I’d like to make sure there’s nothing else different about him. If there is, it’s better to know now than when he’s in labour.”

  “It’s all right,” Kit said. “I understand. It’s not like Darcy or another medic isn’t going to see down there when I’m giving birth, anyway.”

  Kit moved back into position, drew in a breath and slowly pulled aside his kilt. He closed his eyes while Darcy examined him. He knew she was a medic and he shouldn’t be embarrassed, but no one other than Halor and Logan had seen him so intimately, and it was hard to forget the shame of what he was. From the moment his mother had seen he was dual-gendered, she had schooled him to hide, and the instinct to close his legs tight together was strong.

  “Nearly done,” Darcy said. “As far as I can tell, your female parts appear to be the same as those of a woman. All in all, you look to be in good shape, though a little on the small side. You could do with putting on a bit more weight.”

  “He’s normal size for his species,” Halor said, with Logan relaying this to Darcy.

  “Okay then. How about your diet, Kit? Do you know if felines require any additional vitamins or supplements when they’re expecting?”

  Kit shook his head.

  “His diet is fine,” Logan said.

  Darcy snorted. “Forgive me if I don’t take your word for that.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with my diet.”

  “Not after you got put on ship rations,” Darcy replied. “Having half a meat pizza and half a vegetarian one does not make it a balanced diet. I just hope Kit’s eating habits are better than your own.”

  “What’s pizza?” Kit asked.

  “Delicious,” Logan replied. “And, unfortunately, not standard on board the ships.”

  Darcy coughed deliberately. “Can we get back to Kit’s diet some time this evening?”

  “His diet is fine,” Logan repeated.

  “What does he eat?” Darcy insisted. “Cat food? Fish? Mice and birds?”

  “No!” Kit interrupted, shaking his head.

  Darcy glanced at Halor and belatedly realised what she had said. “Sorry. I guess I didn’t think that through.”

  Halor shrugged.

  “Can we just move on?” Logan asked.

  “I really would like to know he’s getting all the nourishment he needs for the babies,” Darcy said.

  “He is,” Logan snapped.

  Kit frowned at Logan. “Why don’t you just tell her I live on cream?”

  “What did he say?” Darcy asked.

  “He lives on cream,” Logan said, “and he gets plenty of it.”

  “Um, okay. Well, if you start to run out, I’m sure I can get you some more from the kitchen. Kit, I’d like to keep a close eye on you, if that’s all right. I would much rather you had a more varied diet than just cream.”

  Kit poked Logan. “Aren’t you going to explain to her what ‘cream’ is?”

  Logan gave him a quick smile. “No.”

  Kit didn’t press him. He supposed it didn’t really matter. As long as he and the babies were healthy, Darcy could draw her own conclusions about things. There was one question he did want answered though and he hoped Logan would ask it for him.

  “Logan, can you ask her whether it’s safe for us to, you know… er…”

  “What?” Logan asked.

  Kit squirmed and lowered his gaze. “Halor and I have never… Can we while I’m…? It’s just that if we don’t, we may not get another chance. Can you ask her?”

  Logan stared at him blankly. “Kit, I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Halor chuckled. “What Kit is trying to say is that he and I have never had intercourse the way you and he did, and he would like to know whether we can while he is expecting. It may be our only chance for a long time. We would rather not risk another litter if we were to wait until after the birth. I suspect we will have our hands full with the youngsters for some time to come.”

  “What’s the problem?” Darcy asked.

  “Can Kit have sex while he’s pregnant?” Logan asked.

  “I don’t see why not,” Darcy said. “Other than the differences in size and development of the foetuses, his female parts appear the same as a human woman’s.”

  Kit smiled at Halor. He could hardly wait.

  Darcy shut down the holo-monitor. “Well, I’ll let you go now. I think it would be best if I see Kit again in two weeks. I want to get an idea of how fast they’re developing. I really should take some notes, as well.”

  Logan helped Kit to his feet, not that Kit needed assistance. “Come on. I’m going to raid the pharmacy and introduce you to the wonders of condoms.”

  “What’s that?” Kit asked. “The translator is failing on me.”

  “You’ll see,” Logan teased. “As annoying as I have found them in the past, they do have their uses, one of which is preventing unexpected pregnancies.”

  Darcy snorted. “Something you obviously failed to think about when you knocked him up.”

  Logan made a strange gesture towards his sister with his fingers, which she returned in kind.

  “Come on,” Halor said. “Let’s go back to the ship. It’s been a long day and I suspect tomorrow is going to be even longer.”

  Chapter Nine

  Halor secured the ship’s hatch before following Kit and Logan into the bedchamber.

  He found Logan showing Kit the contents of one of the dozens of boxes he had picked up on the way back to the ship.

  “And you wear it?” Kit asked. The expression on his face was adorably dubious.

  “Yes,” Logan said. “Though since you’re already pregnant and we have a somewhat limited supply of them, I would suggest we save them until we need them.”

  “This is a limited supply?” Halor asked, gesturing to the huge pile of boxes that Logan was storing in the bottom drawer of the chest at the side of the bed.

  Logan grinned. “Considering how much time we spend in bed, yes.”

  Halor picked up one of the boxes and read the information on the side. “What’s an expiration date?”

  “The date we should use them by,” he said. “They’ve been kept in special storage, along with everything else on board that deteriorates over time, but now I’ve removed them they’ll begin to degrade. The boxes automatically calculate the date they were activated according to Earth time. Don’t worry about it. I’ve no doubt we’ll have used them all long before they expire.”

  “They can only be used once?”

  “Unfortunately. There are other forms of contraception, but I don’t know whether it would be safe for Kit to use any of the others. He might have a bad reaction to human medication. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not risk it.”

  Halor passed Logan the last box and sat down on the bed beside Kit. A moment later, Kit was on his lap, his arms around his neck and his mouth pressed to Halor’s.

  Logan finished putting away the boxes and sat down next to them. “I think we both know what Kit wants tonight.”

  Kit drew out of the kiss to smile at Logan. “Am I that obvious?”

  Logan pinched his thumb and index finger together. “Just a little.”

  Halor laughed. “No one could ever accuse Kit of being subtle.”

  Kit poked Halor in the ribs. “You know you want to, so don’t deny it.”

  “I don’t intend to,” Halor said as he eased Kit off his lap and back onto the bed. “I’ve longed to be joined with you in this way.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m sorry I got there first,” Logan offered. “I swear I didn’t know. I just thought he was different because he’s not human.”

  “We understand,” Halor said. “No one is blaming you for anything.”

  “I’m blaming myself a little,” Logan replied.

  “Then you need to stop,” Kit scolded with a frown. “You weren’t the
one who was too drunk to realise what he was doing.”

  “No one needs to feel guilty for anything,” Halor said. “We’re all in this together and there’s soon going to be five of us.” Halor rubbed Kit’s stomach. “No regrets, not from either of you.”

  Kit mewled a little and rubbed at his face. “Stupid female hormones.”

  Halor laughed. “Come here, you silly feline.”

  Kit crawled back into his arms and this time when they kissed, they didn’t stop.

  Halor lowered Kit onto his back and slipped his hand beneath Kit’s kilt. He found his entrance slick and ready and he slipped two fingers inside him with ease. Kit moaned and pushed down on the fingers.

  “Logan, feed him your cock,” Halor said. “He’s going to need all the nourishment he can get.”

  “Even if it makes him drunk?” Logan asked.

  “I think I’m working up a tolerance to your cream,” Kit said. “Last time, I barely felt any effect at all. And I am hungry.”

  Logan knelt beside Kit’s head and smiled down at him. “In that case, open wide.”

  Kit licked his lips and opened his mouth for Logan’s cock, sucking him vigorously.

  “That’s it,” Halor said. “Now, let’s see if you’re ready for my cock, too.”

  Kit replied by spreading his legs wider so Halor could position himself between them.

  Halor stroked Kit’s smooth inner thighs, teasing him with light touches. He wanted to do what Logan had done and bury his face between those thighs, but more than that, he yearned to sink his cock into Kit’s body.

  They had only attempted anal sex once. Kit had been distraught that he couldn’t open to Halor. No matter how much he’d tried to relax, he couldn’t take more than one finger. Kit’s whimpers and cries had torn through Halor’s heart, and because he couldn’t bear to cause his loving Kit pain, they had foregone anal sex and stuck to other ways of pleasuring each other.

  Of course, the other possibility had always been there, hovering between them, but with the risk that Kit would become pregnant, they had decided to wait. Now, with Kit’s belly soon to be rounding with Logan’s babies, they had the chance to do something that had previously been denied to them.

  Halor stroked Kit’s stomach with his free hand. “You are beautiful, my Kit.”

  “Yes, you are,” Logan said. “I never imagined being a father, at least not like this. Now I see you bearing my children, and I’m so proud to be a part of your life. I’m thankful for whatever it was you saw in me that made you want to invite me to become a part of your nest.”

  “He saw your strength, your loyalty, and your capacity to love,” Halor said. “I see the same, but Kit saw it first.”

  Halor removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock, pushing in slowly, savouring every moment of their first time. Kit’s body opened to him easily, though Halor kept his movements slow. He would not risk hurting Kit, no matter how much he longed to thrust right in.

  Logan was panting and sweat had broken out over his chest. Halor could tell he was close to release. Any vague thoughts about the two of them climaxing in Kit at the same time were quickly dashed. Logan groaned as Kit pushed him over the brink and swallowed down the life-giving cream.

  “He’s hungry tonight,” Logan said when Kit continued to coax more from him.

  “He’s feeding for three,” Halor reminded him. “I would offer him mine when he’s sucked you dry, but I fear I won’t last that long.”

  Kit released Logan’s cock momentarily. “I want you to be inside of me when you spill. I don’t even remember when Logan did, but I want to recall this time.”

  “Your speech isn’t slurred like it usually is after feeding from me,” Logan said.

  “Good,” Kit replied. “I feel more clear-headed, as well. I’d better not take any more though, just to be safe. Please, Halor, give me your cream. I want to feel it, hot and filling me, just like we’ve longed for.”

  Halor pushed in a little more and Kit whimpered, not with pain, but with pleasure.

  “More,” Kit begged. “Please. More.”

  Halor gave him what he asked for, slowly, carefully, easing his way inside, until finally he was fully sheathed in Kit’s warm and intimate embrace.

  Kit pushed against him, wrapping his legs around the back of Halor’s thighs, holding him in place, pulling him closer. “Yes.”

  Logan captured Kit’s next cry with a kiss.

  Halor moaned as he started to thrust in a slow rhythm. He had waited for this for so long. He had always known it would be worth it—his Kit, so kind and loving, while at the same time enthusiastic and just a little bit wild.

  Kit grabbed Halor’s arse, his claws extending, scratching his buttocks as their moves became frantic. Halor’s talons tore into the sheets as his thrusts became more and more erratic.

  “Kit!” Halor screamed as he climaxed. Kit echoed his cry, his body quivering.

  Logan had taken hold of Kit’s cock and was tugging it with quick and firm strokes.

  Kit howled as he spilled across his own belly. Halor collapsed at Kit’s side.

  “I love you,” Halor whispered, “so much, Kit.”

  Kit purred happily, already fast asleep.

  “He loves you, too,” Logan said.

  “I know.” Halor blinked up at him and offered a sleepy smile. “I still remember the day I realised I loved Kit. He’d only been on board my ship for two days, and he really didn’t know what he was doing at all. He was hissing and swearing at the navigator’s panel and he had no idea I had popped up the hatch. As I stood there watching him, I realised I loved him.”

  Logan disappeared into the bathroom and returned with a warm, damp cloth. He cleaned Kit and passed Halor the flannel.

  “Thanks. You’ll have already discovered that sex with Kit is often followed by a very sticky morning after. He falls to sleep so quickly and I never have the heart to move him.”

  Halor finished cleaning himself and tossed the cloth into the basket in the corner of the room. “Are you coming to bed?”

  Logan answered by climbing in next to Kit.

  Halor placed his hand on Kit’s stomach, and a moment later, Logan mirrored his position and entwined his fingers with Halor’s.


  “Yes?” Logan sounded half asleep already.

  Halor sighed and swallowed back the words that were on the tip of his tongue. “Sleep well,” he whispered instead. He had always been a firm believer in the truth, and while he knew it would please Kit if he and Logan were to declare undying love for each other, he couldn’t yet make that commitment.

  Kit gave a loud snore and wriggled between them, clearly content.

  * * * *

  As well as pilfering supplies from the on-board pharmacy, Logan had also acquired a fresh space suit. Captain Farraday had quietly suggested he might wish to dress more appropriately for the meeting the next day.

  Logan hadn’t realised how accustomed he had become to wearing a kilt and no shirt. Until the captain had spoken to him, he had actually quite forgotten his attire.

  Now, wearing the space suit, he felt unusually confined.

  “I don’t like it,” Kit said. “It’s an ugly colour and there’s no easy access for me.”

  Logan grimaced. “Dark brown is the standard issue, I’m afraid. It doesn’t come in any other colours.”

  Kit rubbed lightly over Logan’s groin. “And what about the access?”

  “Sorry. There’s nothing I can do about that, either,” Logan replied. “Though, since you aren’t going to be feeding from me during the meeting, it doesn’t really matter so much.”

  Kit purred and pressed himself against Logan. “I’m hungry now.”

  Halor patted him on the arse. “You’re always hungry. Come on. You can feed from me before we head to the flight deck. You’re supposed to be limiting what you drink of Logan’s cream, anyway.”

  Kit licked his lips and dropped quickly to his knees. />
  Logan studied Kit’s new style of clothing and smiled as he recalled the feline’s attempts to don the toga-like garment earlier that morning. He had hissed and snarled at the fabric until Halor had taken it off him. Then, despite Kit’s protests that he could dress himself, he had set about wrapping the fabric round him and pinning it in place.

  By the time Kit had finished feeding, the toga was already starting to slip.

  “Here. Let me straighten you up,” Logan offered.

  “Stupid clothes,” Kit complained.

  Halor sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know why you can’t just wear your kilt. It’s not like you’re showing yet.”

  “My breasts look bigger this morning,” Kit complained.

  “No, they don’t,” Halor replied. “You’re just being paranoid. Now stand still so I can pin this up again.”

  Kit toyed with the fabric, pulling it this way and that.

  “Kit, for goodness sake,” Halor said. “Stand still or I might stick you with the pin instead of the wrap.”

  “Are you sure no one will know?” Kit asked.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I suppose at least if you start wearing this now, you’ll be used to it by the time you actually start to show—not that it’ll hide your condition forever.”

  “I know, and at least it’s not some awful thing like Logan has to wear.”

  “This wouldn’t hide your belly anyway,” Logan pointed out. “It’s kind of snug on anyone.”

  Kit smirked at him. “So I noticed.”

  Logan chuckled. “I have no doubt you have. Even though I know you were only feeding, it really is quite a turn-on watching you sucking Halor’s cock.”

  Halor smiled at him. “It’s never only feeding for Kit. If it was, he wouldn’t have been starving when we found each other.”

  Kit nodded and rubbed Logan’s hard length through the coarse fabric.

  “Stop that,” Logan chided gently. “It’s the only suit I have, and I can’t show up at the meeting with a damp patch.”

  “Speaking of which,” Halor said. “We should get going or we’ll be late.”

  Kit straightened his toga and checked himself in the full-length mirror on the closet door. “Are you sure no one will be able to tell I’m pregnant?”