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Loving Kit (Felines of Furyne Book 1) Page 11

  Kit huffed and crossed his arms across his chest. “I don’t bitch and that’s not how the female hormones work.”

  Logan stroked Kit until he was purring contentedly again. “How about you explain to me how they work?”

  Kit nodded. “The females of my kind have bodies that are similar to your human women, at least as far as I can tell from the database from your ship. The males are likewise much the same as you and Halor. It’s only those who are born with both sex organs that are different. Some are like me, predominantly male. Others are more female. The females have breasts and menstruate, but they also have a penis. Unlike the men, they’re not prone to random erections, and while they can ejaculate, it’s rare that they do so. The female hormones suppress the male ones most of the time. If they find they are in a relationship where they want or need to use their cocks, they take supplements to suppress the female hormones and the male ones take over. Only by taking the supplements can the female-dominants produce sperm. For those who are more male, like me, it is the male hormones that suppress the female, which stops me from bleeding. I can usually tell when I would be, though, since my female parts ache at that time, which leaves me a little out of sorts.”

  “He really does cope with it well,” Halor said. “Unlike the females, who take supplements if they wish to use their male sex organ, those like Kit don’t need to do the same to ensure their female parts are in working order.”

  “I could if I wanted,” Kit amended. “There are things I can take that would make me menstruate and enlarge my breasts, but I like being male. And my people soon discovered that it was as easy to impregnate those like me as it is the females. Even with my male hormones suppressing the female ones, it makes no difference in that regard. It’s a reminder that the side effect came from messing with the female hormones to find a solution to the infertility problem.”

  Logan tried to take in everything Kit had told him. He had a feeling he would be spending quite a bit of time reading up about felines on the ship’s database. “I’m surprised you haven’t accidentally got pregnant before now,” he commented. “You are quite sexually active.”

  “I don’t penetrate Kit at all,” Halor explained. “We tried anal once, but we didn’t get very far. Kit found it painful and couldn’t relax enough to allow me entrance. I have no wish to push him into doing something he doesn’t want to. The high risk of pregnancy prevented us from trying the other way.”

  “We’ve always been careful,” Kit whispered. “Or at least I was until the summerhouse.”

  “There were two of us there,” Logan reminded him. “I take full responsibility for my part in what happened.”

  “Good,” Halor said. “Now, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”

  “Oh yes,” Logan replied, turning once more to Kit. “I’ve never come across someone who is both male and female before. If you had sex with a woman, could you get her with child?”


  “So you produce eggs as well as sperm.”

  “That’s right.”

  “At the same time?”

  Halor chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Logan asked.

  “Ask what you really want to know?” Halor replied. “You’re being far more tactful than I was when I had a similar discussion with Kit.”

  “Oh.” Kit flushed. “You want to know if I can get myself pregnant?”

  “Er, yeah,” Logan muttered, “if it’s not rude to ask?”

  Kit smiled. “Technically, yes, I could, but it’s not easily done and definitely not recommended. Something about the combination of sperm and eggs from the same source makes it hard, but not impossible, for a babe to quicken. However, my people soon discovered that such a form of inbreeding also results in many miscarriages, and those that do carry to term produce stillbirths. No child has survived such a conception. Our scientists did try to find a solution until someone pointed out that the last thing the population needs is a flurry of expecting juvenile boys who’ve all got themselves pregnant because they’re horny most of the time and can’t keep their hands off their cocks.”

  “How have you managed to avoid Halor accidentally getting you pregnant?” Logan asked. “I mean, sex with you two has been pretty messy. Surely there have been some close calls?”

  “Not really,” Halor answered before Kit could comment. “After all, you forget how greedy our feline is. He doesn’t often let my cream go to waste decorating his body or getting anywhere near his womb. It tends to go into his mouth.”

  Kit shot Halor a dirty look, but it quickly dissolved into a grin. “You will pay for that one.”

  “I look forward to it,” Halor replied with a smile of his own.

  “So, how will you know if you are pregnant?” Logan asked. “Do you have pregnancy tests?”

  Kit shook his head. “There are no tests, but I’ll know.”

  “How? Is there a sign to look out for?”

  “Besides getting very fat?” Kit shook his head at his own comment. “I asked my mama that and she said I’d just know. I guess we’ll find out.”

  Logan, who still had his hand on Kit’s stomach, rubbed him gently. Halor placed his hand beside Logan’s and did the same. Kit purred in response and gasped as he gripped the arms of his chair to keep from sliding to the floor.

  Kit moaned and whimpered. He removed his hands from the chair and placed them over Logan’s and Halor’s, holding them in place. “Touch me,” he said.

  Logan didn’t need to ask what he meant and apparently neither did Halor. The bird whipped aside Kit’s kilt and repositioned the feline so his legs were hooked over the arms of the chair. Logan gazed between Kit’s legs, seeing him fully exposed for the first time. How did I miss this?

  Kit’s cock rose from the nest of curls, but that wasn’t what Logan’s attention was on. Instead, he stared at the vagina he had buried himself inside without even realising.

  Halor didn’t wait for any further invitation. He pushed a finger inside of Kit, who moaned with pleasure.

  “You, too,” Halor said. “Kit loves it when I do this.”

  Halor hadn’t removed his finger and apparently had no intention of doing so. Logan pushed his index finger into the damp heat, as well.

  Kit whimpered and pushed down towards their hands. “That’s it,” he encouraged as he squeezed their fingers tight. “Right there. Yes, right there.”

  Following Halor’s lead, Logan let the bird set the pace as the two of them finger fucked Kit, who moaned in delight.

  Logan leaned in and licked his lips in anticipation. He needed to taste Kit. He removed his finger and when Halor realised what his intentions were, he did the same. Logan buried his face between Kit’s legs and licked at the stretched hole, poking his tongue inside and marvelling at the ease with which Kit opened to him.

  “Logan, Logan, Logan,” Kit cried.

  Halor bent over and took Kit’s cock into his mouth, sucking him and wringing more cries and pleas from Kit.

  Logan hummed as he continued to pleasure Kit. This really was the most inappropriate place to be doing this, but since the rest of the crew were unlikely to rouse for a while yet, he didn’t let such thoughts distract him from his task.

  Logan had never dated women and he was entirely unfamiliar with the more intimate parts of their bodies. However, from the sounds Kit was making, he was extremely satisfied with the attentions Logan and Halor were lavishing on him.

  Kit climaxed, shouting out Halor’s name and gasping for air. Logan nuzzled at Kit one last time before he pulled away. Kit, as he often did following an orgasm, gave a light snore, having fallen fast asleep.

  Halor stroked his fur and gathered him into his arms. “I’ll find a bedchamber for him to sleep in.”

  “The captain’s quarters are just down the corridor to the left,” Logan said. “He should be comfortable there for a few hours.”

  Halor nodded and strode from the room. He returned a few minutes later and resumed h
is seat. “Thank you for that.”

  Logan frowned. “For what?”

  “For not recoiling from Kit.” Halor sighed and shook his head sadly. “Did Kit tell you he was nearly starving when we met?”


  “It is very easy for felines to find work in the sex trade but not for them to find love—at least, not if they’re like Kit. Men who seek pleasure with their own gender are often repulsed by the female anatomy, and the idea of their male lover bearing a child sends them running for the next solar system. And while there are those who like to experience the novelty of fucking someone like Kit, few want the stigma that comes from being in a relationship with someone who is dual-gendered.”

  “But no one would even be able to tell unless they looked between his legs,” Logan pointed out.

  “No, not at the moment,” Halor agreed. “But you have to consider… If someone wanted Kit just because they like the idea of fucking one such as him, as a very fertile feline, he would spend a large portion of his time pregnant.”

  “Which is a lot more noticeable,” Logan concluded.

  “Precisely. It was several months before Kit was comfortable enough with me to let me touch him intimately enough to discover his secret. Honestly, I’m a little surprised he allowed you to get so close to him so soon.”

  “I believe being drunk on my cum had something to do with that,” Logan reminded him.

  “Yes, you’re probably right.” Halor nodded. “Kit and I have never consummated our union the way you and he did back in the summerhouse. The risk of a child was one we did not wish to take at this stage in our lives.”

  Logan cringed. “I’m sorry. I swear I had no idea.”

  “It’s not your fault. We should have explained Kit’s uniqueness to you before we took you to our bed. If we had, this wouldn’t have happened—not that we know for sure whether he’s with child.”

  “Is there anything else I should know?” Logan asked quietly. “About Kit or about you?”

  Halor sat back in his seat. “As I said before, Kit shies away from anal sex, even with me. He isn’t fond of it at all.”

  “I should have guessed from the way he pulled away when my fingers got a little too close to his arse.”

  “That would have been part of the reason for his withdrawal, but also even with anal sex, there is a very slim chance of a slip-up resulting in a pregnancy. I suspect Kit’s fear of an accident of that nature has always prevented him from relaxing enough to allow me to take him. In your case, Kit would have been scared of you finding more than you were searching for, as well. Obviously, you’ve now seen for yourself what Kit hides between his legs, but I would ask you not to push him for anal sex. If that is what you desire, I would rather you turned to me.”

  “And what of you?” Logan asked. “Do you crave the sensation of burying yourself in another man?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Yet you stay with Kit, who cannot give you that.”

  “I love Kit. I would never take from him anything he’s not willing to give.”

  Logan stretched out his legs and crossed his ankles. “You will already know that I have no aversion to being fucked. If Kit has no objection, you are welcome to take me in that manner.”

  “Kit would only object if I told him he couldn’t watch,” Halor replied with a grin. “Seriously though, Kit doesn’t advertise what he is. Of course, there are some whose sense of smell is such that they can tell—felines and canines in particular. And if he is with child, hiding the same won’t be possible. But I would ask you not to say anything to anyone about his uniqueness.”

  Logan nodded. “I would ask yours and Kit’s permission to allow for one exception.”

  “Go on.”

  “My sister is a medic on the other ship we plan to intercept and redirect. It’s my intention to wake her when we board, even if it’s only to say goodbye and tell her of my decision to remain with you and Kit. If he isn’t, then I see no reason to divulge his secret. If Kit is pregnant, I would ask that I be allowed to tell her. I would like her to look him over and check that everything is okay. It may also help her understand why I am abandoning her for a new life with you.”

  Halor nodded several times throughout Logan’s speech. “Very well. Though the final decision is Kit’s, I suspect he won’t object in such circumstances.”

  “Thank you.”

  Halor stretched and rose from his seat. He approached Logan silently and leaned over his seat as though he were about to kiss him. “One final thing, Logan McRae. Kit is everything to me. There is nothing I won’t do for him.”

  “I understand.”

  “Do you?” Halor asked. “I hope so, because I would never allow anyone to hurt him.”

  Logan gulped and nodded. Halor didn’t need to verbalise the threat. It came through loud and clear. Logan had no intention of doing anything to harm Kit and felt oddly protective towards the feline. “Likewise,” he said.

  Halor laughed loudly, easing the tension instantly. “I’m beginning to like you.”

  Logan chuckled with him. “I’m glad to hear it, because I feel the same way about you.”

  “And Kit?”

  “Kit I liked anyway,” Logan replied. “It would be impossible not to. Don’t you agree?”

  A bleeping from one of the monitors altered Logan to the waking of the medic.

  “You go stay with Kit,” Logan said. “I’ll bring everyone I’ve woken here to explain what’s happened then introduce them to you and Kit. I think they might appreciate not seeing you two the minute they open their eyes. After all, you are somewhat unusual. It may take a while before they’re up and about, though.”

  “I agree. Your reaction is not one I wish to have repeated.”

  They left the room and Halor slipped through the door to the captain’s quarters. Logan made a mental note to keep the captain away from his rooms before he had the opportunity to prepare him.

  The medic, Helen Fredericks, seemed to be far more lucid than Logan had been when he had first woken. She might not be up to sprinting or lifting weights just yet, but she at least seemed capable of constructing sentences.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Logan smiled and made an effort to appear non-threatening, not an easy task considering his size in comparison to the slight medic and the fact that he was looming over her. “Logan McRae, pilot of the Mercury. How are you feeling Doctor Fredericks?”

  “You’re on the wrong ship,” Doctor Fredericks replied.

  “Um, yes, I can explain that, but I’d rather only go through the briefing once, if you don’t mind.”

  Doctor Fredericks struggled to sit up. “If you aren’t going to explain, can you at least give me the restorative jab so I can get out of this damn pod?”

  “Just tell me where to find it,” Logan said.

  “The lower drawer at the foot of the pod.”

  Logan crouched down and, with some difficulty, located the drawer. “Do all the pods have these?”

  “Yes, of course. Weren’t you listening during the briefing?”

  Logan winced. “Yes, but there was a lot to take in. I guess I missed this.” He picked up the pack marked as Restorative and read the instructions. This would have been useful to know when he was first waking on Halor’s ship. He might not have spent quite so long crawling around on his hands and knees.

  Doctor Fredericks gave him directions and Logan stuck the needle into her neck, silently hoping he was doing it right. Since he wasn’t a medic, he had never been trained in such matters.

  Thankfully, Doctor Fredericks knew what she was doing and in no time at all she was on her feet and striding over to check on the captain and the navigator. “Are these two the only ones who you’ve woken, besides me?”


  “Well, I hope the captain wakes in a good mood. He certainly wasn’t in one when I put him under.”

  Logan doubted anything he had to say would improve a foul mood, so he kep
t his fingers crossed. His own captain had been fair, reasonable, and willing to listen. Logan hoped she was okay and that he would find her, along with the rest of his ship’s crew, soon.

  “As soon as they’re able to walk around, bring them straight to the flight deck,” Logan said. “Time is of the essence.”

  Logan left the doctor to her work and went to check on Halor and Kit. He found them still in the captain’s quarters, Kit fast asleep in Halor’s arms.

  “Are they awake?” Halor asked quietly so as not to disturb Kit.

  “The medic is up and about already. She’s going to bring the others to the flight deck soon.”

  “The medic recovered faster than you did,” Halor remarked.

  “Yes, well, apparently there’s a drawer on the pod with a restorative medicine in it that I didn’t know about.”

  “Do you need us to move?” Halor asked. “If the captain comes into his quarters and finds us here…”

  In light of Doctor Frederick’s comments about the captain, Halor had a point, but where else could they go that was nearby?

  Halor, seeming to sense his hesitation, scooped Kit into his arms. “I’ll take him back to our ship. Come and find us when you need us.”

  Logan nodded. “I will.”

  As Halor passed him, Logan gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and stroked Kit’s fur. Keeping Kit safe was their top priority.

  * * * *

  Logan stood by the pilot’s seat, even though this was not his ship. Captain Collins glared at him as he took his own seat. The navigator, Joseph Peters, still seemed half asleep.

  “Logan McRae, pilot of the Mercury.” He gave the captain a salute.

  “I know bloody well who you are,” Captain Collins replied. “Explain yourself.”

  Since he hadn’t been asked to sit down, Logan remained on his feet as he explained the fate of his own craft and the pressing need to change course before the Neptune found itself in the same dire straits.

  Captain Collins remained silent until Logan had finished.

  “You’re talking about aliens,” he sneered. “Little green men from Mars and other such nonsense.”